
MindTheGap 2014
Beyond Single-Shot Text Queries: Bridging the Gap(s) between Research Communities

Proceedings of the Workshop "Beyond single-shot text queries: bridging the gap(s) between research communities"
co-located with iConference 2014

Berlin, Germany, March 4, 2014.

Edited by

Udo Kruschwitz *
Frank Hopfgartner **
Cathal Gurrin ***

* University of Essex, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, United Kingdom
** Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
*** School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland

Table of Contents

Invited Papers

Research Papers

Position Papers

2014-02-28: submitted by Udo Kruschwitz
2014-02-28: published on CEUR-WS.org |valid HTML5|