Category:Shed with conic dormer (image set)
This category is an image set. It should contain only images that have the same style, and should have a parent category that is purely topical.
construction and calculations | |
POV-Ray source |
#include ""
#include ""
#version 3.6; // needed for transparent background
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#declare EdgeRadius = .02;
#declare Transparency = .1;
#declare WallsBox = box {
<-5, 0, 0>, <5, 9, 6.5>
pigment{color rgbt <1, .8, .3, Transparency>} // wall color
#declare RoofAngle = atan2d(4, 6.5); // slope of the roof
#declare RoofCutPlane = plane {
-y, 0
rotate -RoofAngle * x
translate 4 * y
pigment{color rgbt <1, .2, .2, Transparency>} // roof color
#declare RawHouse = difference{
#declare LeftBottomFront = <-5, 0, 0>;
#declare LeftTopFront = <-5, 4, 0>;
#declare LeftBottomBack = <-5, 0, 6.5>;
#declare LeftTopBack = <-5, 8, 6.5>;
#declare RightBottomFront = <5, 0, 0>;
#declare RightTopFront = <5, 4, 0>;
#declare RightBottomBack = <5, 0, 6.5>;
#declare RightTopBack = <5, 8, 6.5>;
#declare RawHouseLines = union{
sphere{LeftBottomFront, EdgeRadius}
sphere{LeftTopFront, EdgeRadius}
sphere{LeftBottomBack, EdgeRadius}
sphere{LeftTopBack, EdgeRadius}
sphere{RightBottomFront, EdgeRadius}
sphere{RightTopFront, EdgeRadius}
sphere{RightBottomBack, EdgeRadius}
sphere{RightTopBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftBottomFront, RightBottomFront, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftBottomBack, RightBottomBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftTopFront, RightTopFront, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftTopBack, RightTopBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftBottomFront, LeftBottomBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftTopFront, LeftTopBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{RightBottomFront, RightBottomBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{RightTopFront, RightTopBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftBottomFront, LeftTopFront, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{LeftBottomBack, LeftTopBack, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{RightBottomFront, RightTopFront, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{RightBottomBack, RightTopBack, EdgeRadius}
#declare AZ = 0.8125; // dormer offset, i.e. horizontal distance between front wall and dormer window
#declare AY = 6.5;
#declare A = <0, AY, AZ>; // highest point of dormer window
#declare DormerCutPlane = plane{
z, AZ
pigment{color rgbt <.3, .7, 1, Transparency>} // window color
#declare BZ = 4.875; // dormer depth, i.e. horizontal distance between front wall and intersection point of roof and dormer ridge
#declare BY = 7;
#declare B = <0, BY, BZ>; // highest point of dormer mantle
#declare DormerAngle = atan2d(BY-AY, BZ-AZ); // slope of the dormer ridge
#declare CZ = 11.5;
#declare CY = (BY-AY) / (BZ-AZ) * (CZ - AZ) + AY;
#declare C = <0, CY, CZ>; // cone vertex
#declare DY = AY - 2; // ordinate of the the dormer window base
#declare DZ = AZ;
#declare D = <0, DY, DZ>; // center of dormer window base
#declare ConeAngle = 37.5;
#declare HalfConeAngle = ConeAngle / 2;
#declare Alpha = HalfConeAngle + DormerAngle; // angle of the center line of the cone
#declare H = <0, CY, -99>;
#declare ConeRadius = tand(HalfConeAngle) * (99 + CZ);
#declare HorizontalCone = cone{
C, 0, H, ConeRadius
pigment{color rgbt <.65, .15, .15, Transparency>} // cone color
#declare Cone = object{
translate -C
rotate Alpha * -x
translate C
#declare Beta = DormerAngle / 2 - 45; // negative angle of the angle bisection through A (leads to R)
#declare PY = CY - tand(Alpha) * CZ;
#declare QY = AY - AZ / tand(Beta);
#declare RZ = (PY-QY) / (tand(Beta)-tand(Alpha));
#declare RY = tand(Beta) * RZ + QY;
#declare Gamma = DormerAngle + ConeAngle; // angle of the lower mantle line of the cone
#declare GY = -tand(Gamma) * (CZ-AZ) + CY; // ordinate of the lowest point of the ellipse
#declare MY = (AY+GY) / 2; // ordinate of the center of the ellipse
#declare Major = (AY-GY) / 2; // major radius of the ellipse
#declare Linex = RY - MY; // linear excentricity of the ellipse (distance of center and focal point)
#declare Minor = sqrt( pow(Major, 2) - pow(Linex, 2) );
#declare Minor = Minor + .037; // WHY IS THIS CORRECTION NECESSARY?
// equation of the ellipse, with a = Major and b = Minor:
// x^2 (y-my)^2
// ——— + ———————— = 1
// a^2 b^2
// solved for x, DY as y:
#declare DormerHalfWidth = sqrt(
pow(Minor, 2) * ( 1 - pow(DY - MY, 2) / pow(Major, 2) )
#declare DL = D - DormerHalfWidth*x;
#declare DR = D + DormerHalfWidth*x;
#declare DormerBase = cylinder{DL, DR, EdgeRadius};
#declare Dormer = intersection{
#declare Ellipse = union{
#for (X, -DormerHalfWidth, DormerHalfWidth, .001)
#declare Y = sqrt(
pow(Major, 2) * ( 1 - pow(X, 2) / pow(Minor, 2) )
) + MY;
sphere{ <X, Y, AZ>, EdgeRadius }
#declare Delta = (DormerAngle + RoofAngle) / 2 - 90; // negative angle of the angle bisection through B (leads to S)
// center of hyperbola Dandelin sphere
#declare SZ = ( PY - BY + tand(Delta) * BZ ) / ( tand(Delta) - tand(Alpha) );
#declare SY = tand(Alpha) * SZ + PY;
#declare Theta = RoofAngle - 90; // negative angle of line between T (focus) and S (Dandelin sphere center)
// hyperbola focus
#declare TZ = ( 4 - SY + tand(Theta) * SZ ) / ( tand(Theta) - tand(RoofAngle) );
#declare TY = tand(RoofAngle) * TZ + 4;
#declare DistBT = sqrt( pow(BZ-TZ, 2) + pow(BY-TY, 2) );
// opposite hyperbola vertex
#declare VZ = ( 4 - CY + tand(Gamma) * CZ ) / ( tand(Gamma) - tand(RoofAngle) );
#declare VY = tand(Gamma) * VZ + CY - tand(Gamma) * CZ;
// hyperbola center
#declare WZ = (BZ+VZ) / 2;
#declare WY = (BY+VY) / 2;
#declare DistDW = sqrt( pow(WZ-DZ, 2) + pow(WY-DY, 2) );
#declare HyperbolaVertexDist = sqrt( pow(VZ-BZ, 2) + pow(VY-BY, 2) );
#declare HyperbolaMajor = HyperbolaVertexDist / 2;
#declare HyperbolaLinex = HyperbolaMajor + DistBT;
#declare HyperbolaMinor = sqrt( pow(HyperbolaLinex, 2) - pow(HyperbolaMajor, 2) );
// equation of the hyperbola, with a = HyperbolaMajor and b = HyperbolaMinor:
// x^2 y^2
// ——— - ——— = 1
// a^2 b^2
#declare Hyperbola = union{
#for (X, HyperbolaMajor, DistDW, .0001)
#declare Y = sqrt(
pow(HyperbolaMinor, 2) * ( pow(X, 2) / pow(HyperbolaMajor, 2) - 1 )
sphere{ <X, Y, BZ>, EdgeRadius }
sphere{ <X, -Y, BZ>, EdgeRadius }
rotate 90*z
translate (BY-HyperbolaMajor) * y
translate -B
rotate (- 90 - RoofAngle) * x
translate B
#declare Small = .12345;
#declare WindowCutter = union{
box{<-3.5, 1, -Small>, <-2.5, 2.5, Small>}
cylinder{<-3, 2.5, -Small>, <-3, 2.5, Small>, .5}
pigment{color rgbt 1}
#declare SideWindowCutter = object{
translate 3*x
rotate 90*y
translate <5, 0, 2>
#declare SideWindowCutter = union{
object{SideWindowCutter translate 2.5*z}
#declare SideWindowCutter = union{
object{SideWindowCutter translate -10*x}
#declare WindowCutter = union{
object{WindowCutter translate 6*x}
#declare WindowArch = difference{
torus{.5, EdgeRadius rotate 90*x}
plane{y, 0}
translate <-3, 2.5, 0>
#declare WindowFrame = union{
cylinder{<-3.5, 1, 0>, <-3.5, 2.5, 0>, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{<-2.5, 1, 0>, <-2.5, 2.5, 0>, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{<-3.5, 1, 0>, <-2.5, 1, 0>, EdgeRadius}
sphere{<-3.5, 1, 0>, EdgeRadius}
sphere{<-2.5, 1, 0>, EdgeRadius}
pigment{color srgb .2} // strong edge color
#declare Window = union{
disc{<-3, 2.5, 0>, <-3.5, 2.5, 999>, .5}
plane{y, 2.5}
polygon{5, <-3.5, 1, 0>, <-2.5, 1, 0>, <-2.5, 2.5, 0>, <-3.5, 2.5, 0>, <-3.5, 1, 0>}
pigment{color rgbt <.3, .7, 1, Transparency>} // window color
#declare SideWindows = object{
translate 3*x
rotate 90*y
translate <5, 0, 2>
#declare SideWindows = union{
object{SideWindows translate 2.5*z}
#declare SideWindows = union{
object{SideWindows translate -10*x}
#declare Windows = union{
object{Window translate 6*x}
#declare DoorCutter = difference{
box{<-1, 0, -Small>, <1, 2, Small>}
cylinder{<0, 2, -Small>, <0, 2, Small>, 1}
plane{y, 0 rotate -45*x}
pigment{color rgbt 1}
#declare HouseWithoutDormer = difference{
#declare DoorArch = difference{
torus{1, EdgeRadius rotate 90*x}
plane{y, 0}
translate 2*y
#declare DoorFrame = union{
cylinder{<-1, 0, 0>, <-1, 2, 0>, EdgeRadius}
cylinder{<1, 0, 0>, <1, 2, 0>, EdgeRadius}
pigment{color srgb .2} // strong edge color
#declare Door = union{
disc{<0, 2, 0>, <0, 2, 999>, 1}
plane{y, 2}
polygon{5, <-1, 0, 0>, <1, 0, 0>, <1, 2, 0>, <-1, 2, 0>, <-1, 0, 0>}
pigment{color rgbt <.55, .3, .15, Transparency>} // door color
#declare HouseCenter = <0, 4, 3.25>;
#declare House = union{
pigment{color srgb .2} // strong edge color
translate -HouseCenter // move house center to origin
#declare Case = "standard"; // standard, front, side, top (vertical), roof (diagonal)
povray house.pov +ua +fn +W4200 +H3640
povray house.pov +ua +fn +W4200 +H4100
povray house.pov +ua +fn +W4200 +H3450
// camera position based on case
#if (Case = "standard")
#declare CameraPosition = vnormalize(<18, 10, -45>) * 23.6;
#if (Case = "front" | Case = "side")
#declare CameraPosition = -20*z;
#if (Case = "top")
#declare CameraPosition = 20*y;
#if (Case = "roof")
#declare RoofNormal = <0, (BZ-DZ)/(BY-DY), -1>;
#declare CameraPosition = vnormalize(RoofNormal) * 20;
// object based on case
#if (Case = "side")
object{ House rotate 90*y }
location CameraPosition
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 30
look_at 0
light_source{ <-400, 500, -300> color White shadowless}
light_source{ <400, 200, 100> color White shadowless}
light_source{ CameraPosition color rgb<0.9,0.9,1>*0.7 shadowless}
sky_sphere{ pigment{ White } }
variables in Python |
from math import radians, degrees, tan, atan, sqrt
roof_angle = atan(4/6.5) # 31.607502246248906
az = dz = .8125
ay = 6.5
bz = 4.875
by = 7
dormer_angle = atan((by-ay)/(bz-az)) # 7.01650174472291 degrees
cz = 11.5
cy = (by-ay) / (bz-az) * (cz-az) + ay # 7.815384615384615
cone_angle = radians(37.5)
alpha = dormer_angle + cone_angle / 2 # 25.76650174472291 degrees
beta = dormer_angle / 2 - radians(45) # -41.49174912763854 degrees
py = cy - tan(alpha) * cz # 2.264359838252261
qy = ay - az / tan(beta) # 7.418630716501647
rz = (py-qy) / (tan(beta)-tan(alpha)) # 3.7700392215581773
ry = tan(beta) * rz + qy # 4.084149501698367
gamma = dormer_angle + cone_angle # 44.516501744722916 degrees
gy = -tan(gamma) * (cz-az) + cy # -2.6932447085714264
my = (ay+gy) / 2 # 1.9033776457142868
major = (ay-gy) / 2 # 4.596622354285714
linex = ry - my # 2.1807718559840805
minor = sqrt(major**2 - linex**2) # 4.0463775380044416
dy = ay - 2 # 4.5
dormer_half_width = sqrt(
minor**2 * ( 1 - (dy-my)**2 / major**2 )
) # 3.3389121436968168
right_angle = radians(90)
delta = (dormer_angle + roof_angle) / 2 - right_angle # -70.68799800451409 degrees
sz = (py - 7 + tan(delta) * 4.875) / (tan(delta) - tan(alpha)) # 5.5891038551725085
sy = tan(alpha) * sz + py # 4.96220801060257
theta = roof_angle - right_angle # -58.39249775375109 degrees
tz = ( 4 - sy + tan(theta) * sz ) / ( tan(theta) - tan(roof_angle) ) # 4.483382766638718
ty = tan(roof_angle) * tz + 4 # 6.75900477946998
dist_b_t = sqrt( (bz-tz)**2 + (by-ty)**2 ) # 0.45982904843415234
# opposite hyperbola vertex
vz = ( 4 - cy + tan(gamma) * cz ) / ( tan(gamma) - tan(roof_angle) ) # 20.365792640026818
vy = tan(gamma) * vz + cy - tan(gamma) * cz # 16.532795470785736
# hyperbola center
wz = (bz+vz) / 2
wy = (by+vy) / 2
dist_d_w = sqrt( (wz-dz)**2 + (wy-dy)**2 ) # 13.864593450696951
hyperbola_vertex_dist = sqrt( (vz-bz)**2 + (vy-by)**2 ) # 18.188975949847812
hyperbola_major = hyperbola_vertex_dist / 2 # 9.094487974923906
hyperbola_linex = hyperbola_major + dist_b_t # 9.554317023358058
hyperbola_minor = sqrt( hyperbola_linex**2 - hyperbola_major**2 ) # 2.928354872073063
small but weird problem | |
There is a small mismatch between the CSG ellipse, and the curve based on calculations. | |
Pages in category "Shed with conic dormer (image set)"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Shed with conic dormer (image set)"
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.
Cone, Dandelin circles and ellipse.svg 1,085 × 536; 13 KB
Cone, Dandelin circles and hyperbola.svg 865 × 548; 10 KB
Ellipse CSG vs equation (detail).png 3,000 × 3,000; 333 KB
Ellipse CSG vs equation.png 6,000 × 6,000; 1.02 MB
Shed with conic dormer.png 4,200 × 3,576; 504 KB
Shed with conic dormer.svg 909 × 1,036; 120 KB
Shed with conic dormer; calculations.svg 443 × 337; 70 KB
Shed with conic dormer; detail front small.png 3,264 × 2,976; 76 KB
Shed with conic dormer; detail front.png 6,664 × 4,552; 205 KB
Shed with conic dormer; detail small.png 2,442 × 1,557; 67 KB
Shed with conic dormer; detail.png 9,008 × 5,272; 552 KB
Shed with conic dormer; front.png 4,200 × 3,450; 263 KB
Shed with conic dormer; roof.png 4,200 × 4,100; 372 KB
Shed with conic dormer; side.png 2,872 × 3,450; 176 KB
Shed with conic dormer; top.png 4,200 × 2,832; 223 KB