Josef Reischig
Information about the author Doc. RNDr. Josef Reischig, CSc.
Crystals of adrenaline in the polarizing microscope (300x magnification in A3)
Crystals of antibiotics Cefftriaxon in interference contrast (600x magnification in A3)
Crystals of dopamine in the interference contrast (1000x magnification in A3)
Crystals of Etoposide in interference contrast (500x magnification in A3)
Crystallization of glucose, Nomarski differential interference contrast (1650x magnification in A3)
Crystals of IgG antibodies against hepatitis in interference contrast (480x magnification in A3)
Crystals of IgG antibodies against hepatitis in interference contrast (1200x magnification in A3)
Citric acid crystals in a polarizing microscope (250x magnification in A3)
Crystals of Mabthera in interference contrast (1200x magnification in A3)
Crystals of Mabthera in interference contrast (1200x magnification in A3)
Crystals of vitamin B6 in the polarizing microscope (1650x magnification in A3)
Crystals of vitamin C in a polarizing microscope (250x magnification in A3)
Cross-cut bone in interference contrast (300x magnification in A3)
Snowflake crystal in microscope
Castor bean tick Total preparation - larva and part of an egg
Candida albicans
Honeybee (Apis mellifera) wing
Meiosis - Dividing pollen mother cells