Service and Descriptor Document 2012 Sicilian regional election for the renewal of the Sicilian Regional Assembly and the election of the President of Sicily was held on 28 October 2012. It was a snap election, following the resignation of President Raffaele Lombardo for judicial and financial reasons. The election was competed by ten candidates from newly reshuffled political alliances, and was an unusually close race. The winner of the election was Rosario Crocetta, candidate for a centre-left coalition of Democratic Party and the Union of the Centre.2012FF7F001510Élections régionales de 2012 en Sicile0.9Regionalwahl 2012(in %) %2010014,913,412,910,89,56,26,05,95,614,8M5SPDPdLUDCPdSLMSonst.Gewinne und Verlusteim Vergleich zu %p 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8-10-12-14-16-18-20+13,2−5,4−19,5−5,5−4,4+6,2+6,0+5,9+4,1−0,8M5SPDPdLUDCPdSLMSonst.Anmerkungen: 2008 als Amici di Beppe Grillo 2008: UDC und Die Regionalwahl in Sizilien 2012 fanden am 28. Oktober 2012 statt. Nach der Wahl wurde Rosario Crocetta zum Präsidenten der Region Sizilien gewählt. Die Wahl fand bereits vor dem Ende der damals aktuellen Legislaturperiode statt, nachdem Präsident Raffaele Lombardo zurückgetreten war. Die für den April 2013 vorgesehene Wahl wurde somit auf den 28. Oktober 2012 vorgezogen.13.7330.47#ddd165245210222012 Sicilian regional electionAll 90 seats to the Sicilian Regional Assemblyparliamentary36800615.413947.42Regionalwahl 2012(in %) %2010014,913,412,910,89,56,26,05,95,614,8M5SPDPdLUDCPdSLMSonst.Gewinne und Verlusteim Vergleich zu %p 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8-10-12-14-16-18-20+13,2−5,4−19,5−5,5−4,4+6,2+6,0+5,9+4,1−0,8M5SPDPdLUDCPdSLMSonst.Anmerkungen: 2008 als Amici di Beppe Grillo 2008: UDC und Die Regionalwahl in Sizilien 2012 fanden am 28. Oktober 2012 statt. Nach der Wahl wurde Rosario Crocetta zum Präsidenten der Region Sizilien gewählt.25.7336.62211118535354FFEB3BThe Right2017200815312112The 2012 Sicilian regional election for the renewal of the Sicilian Regional Assembly and the election of the President of Sicily was held on 28 October 2012. It was a snap election, following the resignation of President Raffaele Lombardo for judicial and financial reasons. The election was competed by ten candidates from newly reshuffled political alliances, and was an unusually close race. The winner of the election was Rosario Crocetta, candidate for a centre-left coalition of Democratic Party and the Union of the Centre.Le elezioni regionali in Sicilia del 2012 si tennero il 28 ottobre per l'elezione diretta del presidente della Regione Siciliana e per il rinnovo dell'Assemblea regionale siciliana; indette in anticipo rispetto alla scadenza naturale della precedente legislatura, fissata per il 2013, videro la vittoria di Rosario Crocetta, nell'ambito di una coalizione fra centro-sinistra e centro. Il presidente uscente Raffaele Lombardo, dimessosi il 31 luglio, non si ricandidò.18.17350Centre-right coalitionSicily2012-10-2837110410Les élections régionales siciliennes de 2012 se déroulent le dimanche 28 octobre 2012 selon les dispositions de l'article 3 du Statut spécial de la région de Sicile, afin d'élire les 89 députés de l'Assemblée régionale de Sicile et le président de la région.2012 Sicilian regional election617073EF3E3EElezioni regionali in Sicilia del 2012Five Star MovementLes élections régionales siciliennes de 2012 se déroulent le dimanche 28 octobre 2012 selon les dispositions de l'article 3 du Statut spécial de la région de Sicile, afin d'élire les 89 députés de l'Assemblée régionale de Sicile et le président de la région.Regionalwahl in Sizilien 20122008Le elezioni regionali in Sicilia del 2012 si tennero il 28 ottobre per l'elezione diretta del presidente della Regione Siciliana e per il rinnovo dell'Assemblea regionale siciliana; indette in anticipo rispetto alla scadenza naturale della precedente legislatura, fissata per il 2013, videro la vittoria di Rosario Crocetta, nell'ambito di una coalizione fra centro-sinistra e centro. Il presidente uscente Raffaele Lombardo, dimessosi il 31 luglio, non si ricandidò.no5150Popular vote14536Centre-left coalitionDemocratic Party462017new2012President2012-10-28