Service and Descriptor Document Signal Regiment (Canada)2 SquadronsLCol JJ Miranda, CD108431787633 Signal RegimentRegimental sergeant majorCommanding officerTIGO API TIGO IMA,33 Signal Regiment, formerly known as 763 Communication Regiment, is a primary reserve Canadian Army unit of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (part of the Communications and Electronics Branch) in Ottawa, Ontario.33TIGO API TIGO IMA, (Anishinaabemowin phrase meaning "Any time, any place")Abbreviation33 Sig Regt1141633 Signal Regiment, formerly known as 763 Communication Regiment, is a primary reserve Canadian Army unit of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (part of the Communications and Electronics Branch) in Ottawa, Ontario.2010CWO J.A. MacKenzie, MMM, CD3320102900642933