2025-01-01T18:06:03.165038Z OData Service and Descriptor Document 2025-01-01T18:06:03.165038Z 1096218807 Nekazaritzako hesi Nekazaritzan, hesiak animaliak eremu batean edo kanpoan mantentzeko erabiltzen dira. Material askotarikoekin egin daitezke, lurraldearen, kokapenaren eta mugatu beharreko animalien arabera. Nekazaritzako hesi gehienek, batez beste, 1,2 m-ko altuera dute, eta, zenbait lekutan, aziendak hartzeko diseinatutako hesien altuera eta eraikuntza eskatzen du legeak. In agriculture, fences are used to keep animals in or out of an area. They can be made from a wide variety of materials, depending on terrain, location and animals to be confined. Most agricultural fencing averages about 4 feet (1.2 m) high, and in some places, the height and construction of fences designed to hold livestock is mandated by law. A fencerow is the strip of land by a fence that is left uncultivated. It may be a hedgerow or a shelterbelt (windbreak) or a refugee for native plants. If not too narrow, it acts as a habitat corridor. Agricultural fencing 23208 241376 In agriculture, fences are used to keep animals in or out of an area. They can be made from a wide variety of materials, depending on terrain, location and animals to be confined. Most agricultural fencing averages about 4 feet (1.2 m) high, and in some places, the height and construction of fences designed to hold livestock is mandated by law. A fencerow is the strip of land by a fence that is left uncultivated. It may be a hedgerow or a shelterbelt (windbreak) or a refugee for native plants. If not too narrow, it acts as a habitat corridor. Nekazaritzan, hesiak animaliak eremu batean edo kanpoan mantentzeko erabiltzen dira. Material askotarikoekin egin daitezke, lurraldearen, kokapenaren eta mugatu beharreko animalien arabera. Nekazaritzako hesi gehienek, batez beste, 1,2 m-ko altuera dute, eta, zenbait lekutan, aziendak hartzeko diseinatutako hesien altuera eta eraikuntza eskatzen du legeak.