@prefix foaf: . @prefix wikipedia-en: . @prefix dbr: . wikipedia-en:Altamira_Gathering foaf:primaryTopic dbr:Altamira_Gathering . @prefix rdf: . @prefix yago: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering rdf:type yago:Abstraction100002137 , yago:WikicatXinguPeoples . @prefix dbo: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering rdf:type dbo:SocietalEvent , yago:Communication100033020 , yago:People107942152 , yago:Subject106599788 , yago:Group100031264 , yago:Message106598915 , yago:WikicatIndigenousTopicsOfTheAmazon . @prefix rdfs: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering rdfs:label "Altamira Gathering"@en , "1\u00B0 Encontro das Na\u00E7\u00F5es Ind\u00EDgenas do Xingu"@pt ; rdfs:comment "The Altamira Gathering was a five-day media conference organized by the Kayapo people in an effort to raise awareness of the ecological and political atrocities committed by the Brazilian government and by illegal gold mining also. Between February 19 and 24 in 1989 over 600 Amazonian Indians gathered at the port city of Altamira at the banks of the Xingu river. The protest was organized by the Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon."@en , "O Encontro de Altamira foi uma confer\u00EAncia de m\u00EDdia de cinco dias organizada pelo povo Kayap\u00F3 em um esfor\u00E7o para aumentar a conscientiza\u00E7\u00E3o sobre as atrocidades ecol\u00F3gicas e pol\u00EDticas cometidas pelo governo brasileiro e tamb\u00E9m pela minera\u00E7\u00E3o ilegal de ouro. Entre 19 e 24 de fevereiro de 1989, mais de 600 \u00EDndios amaz\u00F4nicos se reuniram na cidade portu\u00E1ria de Altamira, \u00E0s margens do rio Xingu . O protesto foi organizado pela Coordena\u00E7\u00E3o das Organiza\u00E7\u00F5es Ind\u00EDgenas da Amaz\u00F4nia Brasileira ."@pt . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix dbc: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering dcterms:subject dbc:Kayapo_people , dbc:Indigenous_topics_of_the_Amazon , dbc:Xingu_peoples , , , dbc:February_1989_events_in_South_America ; dbo:abstract "O Encontro de Altamira foi uma confer\u00EAncia de m\u00EDdia de cinco dias organizada pelo povo Kayap\u00F3 em um esfor\u00E7o para aumentar a conscientiza\u00E7\u00E3o sobre as atrocidades ecol\u00F3gicas e pol\u00EDticas cometidas pelo governo brasileiro e tamb\u00E9m pela minera\u00E7\u00E3o ilegal de ouro. Entre 19 e 24 de fevereiro de 1989, mais de 600 \u00EDndios amaz\u00F4nicos se reuniram na cidade portu\u00E1ria de Altamira, \u00E0s margens do rio Xingu . O protesto foi organizado pela Coordena\u00E7\u00E3o das Organiza\u00E7\u00F5es Ind\u00EDgenas da Amaz\u00F4nia Brasileira . O Encontro de Altamira foi o primeiro grande encontro de todos os grupos que foram amea\u00E7ados pela cria\u00E7\u00E3o da Barragem de Belo Monte, originalmente chamada de Barragem de Kararao, mas renomeada na \u00E9poca do encontro. Mais de 500 Kayap\u00F3 e 100 membros de 40 outras na\u00E7\u00F5es ind\u00EDgenas que os Kayap\u00F3 convidaram para se juntar a eles se reuniram para expressar suas opini\u00F5es sobre as barragens e a destrui\u00E7\u00E3o da floresta. Cinco dias de reuni\u00F5es, discursos, coletivas de imprensa e performances rituais dos Kayap\u00F3 foram executados sem grandes problemas. Grande parte do cr\u00E9dito do evento pertence ao Centro Ecum\u00EAnico de Documenta\u00E7\u00E3o e Informa\u00E7\u00E3o . O evento exigiu lidar com muitas tarefas log\u00EDsticas que levaram ao sucesso da reuni\u00E3o; isso incluiu o transporte, hospedagem e alimenta\u00E7\u00E3o de centenas de ind\u00EDgenas enquanto constru\u00EDam um grande acampamento com abrigos tradicionais Kayap\u00F3 em um retiro de igreja cat\u00F3lica fora da cidade. O transporte para os povos ind\u00EDgenas foi financiado por Anita Roddick, da Body Shop. Depois de ser apanhado pelo circuito internacional de m\u00EDdia, o Papa enviou um telegrama e o astro do rock Sting voou para dar uma entrevista coletiva em apoio ao Encontro de Altamira. Outros visitantes e palestrantes inclu\u00EDram o parlamentar brit\u00E2nico Tam Dalyell e o ambientalista J. Lutzemberger . O evento foi um sucesso no curto prazo devido ao grande apoio internacional obtido pela m\u00EDdia; Equipes de TV de quatro continentes estiveram presentes. Dentro de duas semanas o Banco Mundial anunciou que n\u00E3o concederia o empr\u00E9stimo destinado \u00E0 barragem. O Congresso Nacional brasileiro tamb\u00E9m anunciou planos para conduzir uma investiga\u00E7\u00E3o formal sobre todo o plano. No entanto, houve tamb\u00E9m apoio vociferante para a barragem de organiza\u00E7\u00F5es e sindicatos locais, para quem o esquema hidrel\u00E9trico representava progresso e prosperidade. Ap\u00F3s longos atrasos pol\u00EDticos e redesenhos, e uma segunda 'reuni\u00E3o' de povos ind\u00EDgenas em Altamira em maio de 2008, o trabalho na barragem come\u00E7ou em 2011."@pt , "The Altamira Gathering was a five-day media conference organized by the Kayapo people in an effort to raise awareness of the ecological and political atrocities committed by the Brazilian government and by illegal gold mining also. Between February 19 and 24 in 1989 over 600 Amazonian Indians gathered at the port city of Altamira at the banks of the Xingu river. The protest was organized by the Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon. The Altamira Gathering was the first large gathering of all groups that were threatened by the creation of the Belo Monte Dam, originally called the Kararao Dam but renamed at the time of the gathering. Over 500 Kayapo and 100 members of 40 other indigenous nations whom the Kayapo invited to join them rallied to voice their views on the dams and the destruction of the forest. Five days of meetings, speeches, press conferences, and ritual performances by the Kayapo were executed without a major hitch. Much of the credit for the event belongs to the . The event required handling many logistical tasks that led to the success of the meeting; this included the transportation, lodging, and feeding of hundreds of indigenous people while constructing a large encampment with traditional Kayapo shelters at a Catholic church retreat outside the town. Transport for the indigenous peoples was funded by Anita Roddick of the Body Shop. After being picked up by the international media circuit the Pope sent a telegram and the rock star Sting flew in to give a press conference in support of the Altamira Gathering. Other visitors and speakers included British parliamentarian Tam Dalyell, and the environmentalist . The event was in the short term successful due to the large international support raised by the media; TV crews from four continents were present. Within two weeks the World Bank announced that would not confer the loan earmarked for the dam. The Brazilian National Congress also announced plans to conduct a formal investigation into the entire plan. However, there was also vociferous support for the dam from local trade organisations and trade unions, for whom the hydroelectric scheme represented progress and prosperity. After protracted political delays and redesigns, and a second 'gathering' of indigenous peoples at Altamira in May 2008, work on the dam commenced in 2011."@en ; dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Ecumenical_Center_for_Documentation_and_Information , , dbr:Xingu_River , dbc:February_1989_events_in_South_America , dbc:Kayapo_people , dbr:Coordination_of_the_Indigenous_Organizations_of_the_Brazilian_Amazon , dbr:Indigenous_peoples_in_Brazil , , dbc:Xingu_peoples , , dbr:Kayapo_people , , dbr:Tam_Dalyell , dbr:Belo_Monte_Dam , dbc:Indigenous_topics_of_the_Amazon , . @prefix dbp: . @prefix dbt: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering dbp:wikiPageUsesTemplate dbt:Reflist ; dbo:wikiPageRevisionID 935488667 . @prefix xsd: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering dbo:wikiPageLength "3414"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; dbo:wikiPageID 31038559 . @prefix owl: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering owl:sameAs dbr:Altamira_Gathering , , . @prefix wikidata: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering owl:sameAs wikidata:Q4736110 , . @prefix yago-res: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering owl:sameAs yago-res:Altamira_Gathering . @prefix gold: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering gold:hypernym dbr:Conference . @prefix prov: . dbr:Altamira_Gathering prov:wasDerivedFrom ; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf wikipedia-en:Altamira_Gathering . dbr:Kayapo dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Altamira_Gathering . dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Altamira_Gathering .