Service and Descriptor Document is an Indian television drama that used to air on Life OK. It first began broadcasting on 2 June 2014 and went off air on 5 September 2014. The show starred Abhishek Rawat and Vinita Joshi Thakkar as two individuals who at first hate each other but eventually fall in love. The show was scripted by Neelesh Misra and produced by Sudhir Sharma for Sunshine Productions.1440Baawre1440.01Baawre is an Indian television drama that used to air on Life OK. It first began broadcasting on 2 June 2014 and went off air on 5 September 2014. The show starred Abhishek Rawat and Vinita Joshi Thakkar as two individuals who at first hate each other but eventually fall in love. The show was scripted by Neelesh Misra and produced by Sudhir Sharma for Sunshine Productions.2014-09-04Sunshine Productions5765436672014-06-0224.0