Back That Fact Back That Fact is an American game show that aired on ABC from October 22 to November 26, 1953. This was the first TV game show for creator/producers Jack Barry and Dan Enright. Borscht Belt comedian and syndicated columnist Joey Adams was the emcee, with actress Hope Lange and actor Al Kelly as his assistants and Carl Caruso as the announcer. Back That Fact was broadcast from New York City. 25028964 1067317042 John Gart USA Mickey Trenner 1953-10-22 1953-11-26 Carl Caruso Al Kelly 30.0 Back That Fact is an American game show that aired on ABC from October 22 to November 26, 1953. This was the first TV game show for creator/producers Jack Barry and Dan Enright. Borscht Belt comedian and syndicated columnist Joey Adams was the emcee, with actress Hope Lange and actor Al Kelly as his assistants and Carl Caruso as the announcer. Back That Fact was broadcast from New York City. 30.0 3109 1953-11-26 1953-10-22 1800.0