. "POINT(12.91759967804 41.777000427246)"^^ . "The Battle of Corbio took place in 446 BC. General Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus and legatus Spurius Postumius Albus Regillensis led Roman troops to a victory over the Aequi tribes of north-east Latium and the Volsci tribes of southern Latium at the town of Corbio. The Romans had already defeated the Aequi in the Battle of Mount Algidus, so that the Battle of Corbio definitely marked the dominion of the Romans over this tribe."@en . "41.77700042724609"^^ . . . . . . . "La batalla de Corbione va ser un conflicte militar ocorregut al 446 aC. El general rom\u00E0 Quint Capitol\u00ED Barbat va liderar les seves tropes a la vict\u00F2ria contra les tribus dels eques i dels volscs, pertanyents al nord-est i sud del Laci, respectivament. Els romans ja havien derrotat als eques a la Batalla del Mont Algidus, de manera que la batalla de Corbione va marcar definitivament el domini de Roma sobre aquesta tribu."@ca . . "The Battle of Corbio took place in 446 BC. General Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus and legatus Spurius Postumius Albus Regillensis led Roman troops to a victory over the Aequi tribes of north-east Latium and the Volsci tribes of southern Latium at the town of Corbio. The Romans had already defeated the Aequi in the Battle of Mount Algidus, so that the Battle of Corbio definitely marked the dominion of the Romans over this tribe. After an unsuccessful attack by the consul Spurius Furius Medullinus Fusus (consul 464 BC), Quinctius was given consular powers by the Senate so that he could defeat the enemy army which was besieging Furius. The enemy army outnumbered the Romans, so one part of their army attacked Furius' camp while the other part devastated Roman territory. A few days into the siege, Furius successfully surprised the enemy but decided not to pursue them because he thought the camp would be vulnerable if he did. Furius' brother was surrounded by the enemy during the fight. The consul tried to rescue him, but was wounded. His brother was killed, which greatly lowered Roman morale. While the Aequi were focused on the Roman camp, Quinctius attacked them from the rear and Furius attacked them from the front. A large part of their army was surrounded, so the Aequi retreated. The exact casualties are unknown, but the Roman casualties were at least 6,000 men. The Aequi didn't take major casualties during this battle, though many were killed in engagements after this battle."@en . . . . . "La bataille de Corbione oppose en 446 av. J.-C. les Romains, command\u00E9s par le consul Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus, lui-m\u00EAme second\u00E9 par Agrippa Furius Fusus et Spurius Postumius Albus Regillensis, aux tribus \u00E8ques du nord-est du Latium et aux tribus volsques du sud du Latium."@fr . "A Batalha de Corbi\u00E3o (em latim: Corbio) foi uma batalha travada em 446 a.C. entre a Rep\u00FAblica Romana e os povos it\u00E1licos dos \u00E9quos e volscos, vizinhos de Roma ao nordeste e sul respectivamente. O c\u00F4nsul Tito Qu\u00EDncio Capitolino Barbato foi o comandante geral, ajudado por Agripa F\u00FArio Fuso e Esp\u00FArio Post\u00FAmio Albo Regilense, e liderou suas tropas a uma vit\u00F3ria. Os romanos j\u00E1 haviam derrotado os \u00E9quos na Batalha do Monte \u00C1lgido e esta vit\u00F3ria marcou a sua submiss\u00E3o definitiva."@pt . . "La battaglia di Corbione, si svolse nel 446 a.C. alle porte di Roma con la decisa ripresa dei conflitti fra i Romani e i loro irriducibili nemici Volsci ed Equi."@it . "Battle of Corbio"@en . . . "Battaglia di Corbione"@it . "1110342339"^^ . "La batalla de Corbi\u00F3n fue un conflicto militar ocurrido en 446 a. C. entre la Rep\u00FAblica romana y pueblos it\u00E1licos ecuos y volscos. El c\u00F3nsul Tito Quincio Capitolino Barbato, secundado por Agripa Furio Fuso y Espurio Postumio Albo Regilense, lider\u00F3 a sus tropas a la victoria contra las tribus de los ecuos y de los volscos, pertenecientes al noreste y sur del Lacio, respectivamente. Los romanos ya hab\u00EDan derrotado a los ecuos en la batalla del Monte \u00C1lgido, de modo que la batalla de Corbi\u00F3n marc\u00F3 definitivamente el dominio de Roma sobre esta tribu."@es . "Batalla de Corbi\u00F3n"@es . "Batalla de Corbione"@ca . "12.91759967803955"^^ . . "A Batalha de Corbi\u00E3o (em latim: Corbio) foi uma batalha travada em 446 a.C. entre a Rep\u00FAblica Romana e os povos it\u00E1licos dos \u00E9quos e volscos, vizinhos de Roma ao nordeste e sul respectivamente. O c\u00F4nsul Tito Qu\u00EDncio Capitolino Barbato foi o comandante geral, ajudado por Agripa F\u00FArio Fuso e Esp\u00FArio Post\u00FAmio Albo Regilense, e liderou suas tropas a uma vit\u00F3ria. Os romanos j\u00E1 haviam derrotado os \u00E9quos na Batalha do Monte \u00C1lgido e esta vit\u00F3ria marcou a sua submiss\u00E3o definitiva."@pt . "Batalha de Corbi\u00E3o"@pt . . "La bataille de Corbione oppose en 446 av. J.-C. les Romains, command\u00E9s par le consul Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus, lui-m\u00EAme second\u00E9 par Agrippa Furius Fusus et Spurius Postumius Albus Regillensis, aux tribus \u00E8ques du nord-est du Latium et aux tribus volsques du sud du Latium."@fr . . "La batalla de Corbione va ser un conflicte militar ocorregut al 446 aC. El general rom\u00E0 Quint Capitol\u00ED Barbat va liderar les seves tropes a la vict\u00F2ria contra les tribus dels eques i dels volscs, pertanyents al nord-est i sud del Laci, respectivament. Els romans ja havien derrotat als eques a la Batalla del Mont Algidus, de manera que la batalla de Corbione va marcar definitivament el domini de Roma sobre aquesta tribu."@ca . . . . "La battaglia di Corbione, si svolse nel 446 a.C. alle porte di Roma con la decisa ripresa dei conflitti fra i Romani e i loro irriducibili nemici Volsci ed Equi."@it . . . . . . . . "41.777 12.9176" . . "Bataille de Corbione"@fr . "2217"^^ . "La batalla de Corbi\u00F3n fue un conflicto militar ocurrido en 446 a. C. entre la Rep\u00FAblica romana y pueblos it\u00E1licos ecuos y volscos. El c\u00F3nsul Tito Quincio Capitolino Barbato, secundado por Agripa Furio Fuso y Espurio Postumio Albo Regilense, lider\u00F3 a sus tropas a la victoria contra las tribus de los ecuos y de los volscos, pertenecientes al noreste y sur del Lacio, respectivamente. Los romanos ya hab\u00EDan derrotado a los ecuos en la batalla del Monte \u00C1lgido, de modo que la batalla de Corbi\u00F3n marc\u00F3 definitivamente el dominio de Roma sobre esta tribu."@es . . . . "8484465"^^ . . . . .