. . . . . . . . "813/.5/4" . . . . . . . . . "Codice Beta \u00E8 un thriller di tipo tecnologico scritto da Michael Crichton nel 1972, dietro lo pseudonimo di John Lange. Appartiene alla serie dei romanzi d'esordio del celeberrimo autore statunitense che, iniziata intorno al 1964, quando lo scrittore studiava ancora medicina all'Universit\u00E0 di Harvard, \u00E8 stata ripresa dallo stesso Crichton poco prima della scomparsa, avvenuta nel 2008. In seguito Codice Beta insieme a molti altri libri sono stati ripubblicati nel 2013 dalla Michael Crichton Foundation, e nel 2014, in Italia, ne sono stati acquistati i diritti dalla Garzanti Editore."@it . "Binary is a techno-thriller novel written by Michael Crichton, his eleventh published novel, in 1972, the eighth and final time the pseudonym John Lange was featured. Crichton also directed Pursuit, a television film version. The story of both the book and the film revolve around a deadly nerve agent composed by combining two different chemicals. Hard Case Crime republished the novel under Crichton's name in 2013."@en . . "813"^^ . . . . "Binary"@en . "United States"@en . . "Codice Beta"@it . . . "0-394-47987-4" . . "Binary"@en . . "Binary is a techno-thriller novel written by Michael Crichton, his eleventh published novel, in 1972, the eighth and final time the pseudonym John Lange was featured. Crichton also directed Pursuit, a television film version. The story of both the book and the film revolve around a deadly nerve agent composed by combining two different chemicals. Hard Case Crime republished the novel under Crichton's name in 2013."@en . "\u015Amier\u0107 Binarna (ang. Binary) \u2013 powie\u015B\u0107 z gatunku technothriller, kt\u00F3rej autorem jest Michael Crichton. Ukaza\u0142a si\u0119 po raz pierwszy w 1972 roku. Crichton wyda\u0142 j\u0105 pod pseudonimem John Lange. Realistyczny scenariusz wydarze\u0144, nakre\u015Blony przez autora, jest ostrze\u017Ceniem przed zagro\u017Ceniem, jakie niesie produkcja i przechowywanie broni masowej zag\u0142ady \u2013 nawet przy zachowaniu naj\u015Bci\u015Blejszych \u015Brodk\u00F3w bezpiecze\u0144stwa. Doskonale zorganizowana grupa zatrzymuje wojskowy poci\u0105g przewo\u017C\u0105cy bro\u0144 chemiczn\u0105. Celem precyzyjnie zaplanowanego napadu s\u0105 dwa pojemniki zawieraj\u0105ce p\u00F3\u0142 tony najbardziej \u015Bmierciono\u015Bnego gazu bojowego, jaki kiedykolwiek wyprodukowano - binarnego gazu B75/B76. Zaczyna si\u0119 wy\u015Bcig z czasem... Agent federalny John Graves ma zaledwie 12 godzin by powstrzyma\u0107 ultraprawicowego milionera Johna Wrighta przez wypuszczeniem gazu w samym centrum milionowego San Diego. Czy uda mu si\u0119 odgadn\u0105\u0107 wszystkie elementy b\u0142yskotliwego planu szale\u0144ca i ocali\u0107 mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w miasta i prezydenta USA przez zag\u0142ad\u0105? Wystarczy tylko jeden b\u0142\u0105d..."@pl . "First edition cover"@en . "\u015Amier\u0107 Binarna (ang. Binary) \u2013 powie\u015B\u0107 z gatunku technothriller, kt\u00F3rej autorem jest Michael Crichton. Ukaza\u0142a si\u0119 po raz pierwszy w 1972 roku. Crichton wyda\u0142 j\u0105 pod pseudonimem John Lange. Realistyczny scenariusz wydarze\u0144, nakre\u015Blony przez autora, jest ostrze\u017Ceniem przed zagro\u017Ceniem, jakie niesie produkcja i przechowywanie broni masowej zag\u0142ady \u2013 nawet przy zachowaniu naj\u015Bci\u015Blejszych \u015Brodk\u00F3w bezpiecze\u0144stwa."@pl . . . . . . . . . "225"^^ . . . . . . "\u015Amier\u0107 binarna"@pl . . "Print"@en . . . "1972"^^ . . . "1121634152"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . . . "225"^^ . . . . "262457" . . . . "English"@en . . . "1124244"^^ . . . . . "Binary (novel)"@en . . "PS3553.R48 B56 1972"@en . . . . "PS3553.R48 B56 1972" . . . . . . "7500"^^ . "Codice Beta \u00E8 un thriller di tipo tecnologico scritto da Michael Crichton nel 1972, dietro lo pseudonimo di John Lange. Appartiene alla serie dei romanzi d'esordio del celeberrimo autore statunitense che, iniziata intorno al 1964, quando lo scrittore studiava ancora medicina all'Universit\u00E0 di Harvard, \u00E8 stata ripresa dallo stesso Crichton poco prima della scomparsa, avvenuta nel 2008. In seguito Codice Beta insieme a molti altri libri sono stati ripubblicati nel 2013 dalla Michael Crichton Foundation, e nel 2014, in Italia, ne sono stati acquistati i diritti dalla Garzanti Editore."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Alfred A. Knopf" . . . . "262457"^^ . . . .