"+233 34 292"@en . . . . . . "GMT"@en . . . "299500000.0"^^ . . "299.5"^^ . . . . "35654"^^ . "5.894438743591309"^^ . "+0" . . "Le district de Birim sud est l\u2019un des 17 districts de la R\u00E9gion Orientale (Ghana)."@fr . . "Distretto di Birim Sud"@it . "Birim South \u00E4r ett distrikt i Ghana. Det ligger i regionen \u00D6stra regionen, i den s\u00F6dra delen av landet, 100 km v\u00E4ster om huvudstaden Accra. Antalet inv\u00E5nare \u00E4r 183 468. Arean \u00E4r 300 kvadratkilometer. Terr\u00E4ngen i Birim South \u00E4r huvudsakligen platt. Savannklimat r\u00E5der i trakten. \u00C5rsmedeltemperaturen i trakten \u00E4r 22 \u00B0C. Den varmaste m\u00E5naden \u00E4r februari, d\u00E5 medeltemperaturen \u00E4r 23 \u00B0C, och den kallaste \u00E4r juni, med 20 \u00B0C. Genomsnittlig \u00E5rsnederb\u00F6rd \u00E4r 1 055 millimeter. Den regnigaste m\u00E5naden \u00E4r juni, med i genomsnitt 173 mm nederb\u00F6rd, och den torraste \u00E4r februari, med 34 mm nederb\u00F6rd."@sv . "Districts of the Eastern Region .svg"@en . "Birim South District"@en . "Eastern"@en . . "ygh"@en . "Il distretto di Birim Sud (ufficialmente Birim South District, in inglese) \u00E8 un distretto della Regione Orientale del Ghana."@it . "POINT(-1.0153388977051 5.8944387435913)"^^ . . . . "Location of Birim South District within Eastern"@en . "5.894438888888889 -1.0153388888888888" . "-1.015338897705078"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Birim South District is one of the thirty-three districts in Eastern Region, Ghana. Originally it was formerly part of the then-larger and first Birim South District (with Akim Oda as its capital town) in 1988, which was created from the former Birim District Council, until the western part of the district was split off to create a new Birim South District on 29 February 2008; thus the remaining part has been renamed as Birim Central Municipal District, with Akim Oda as its capital town. However on 15 March 2018, the eastern part of the district was split off to become Achiase District; thus the remaining part has been retained as Birim South District. The district assembly is located in the southwest part of Eastern Region and has Akim Swedru as its capital town."@en . . . . . . "Presiding Member"@en . . . "Birim South District"@en . "Birim South District"@de . ""@en . . "Birim sud"@fr . "4142460"^^ . . . . "Birim Sur es un distrito de la regi\u00F3n Oriental, Ghana. En septiembre de 2018 ten\u00EDa una poblaci\u00F3n estimada de 143 014 habitantes.\u200B Se encuentra ubicado al sureste del pa\u00EDs, a poca distancia al sur del lago Volta y de la meseta de Kwahu, y cerca del r\u00EDo Birim, uno de los afluentes principales del r\u00EDo Pra. El 56% de la poblaci\u00F3n vive en zonas rurales.\u200B"@es . . . . . "Ghana"@en . . . "Der Birim South District liegt in der Eastern Region von Ghana. Chief Exekutive des 1070 km\u00B2 gro\u00DFen Distriktes mit 178.459 (2002) Einwohnern ist . Distrikthauptstadt ist Akim Oda. Der Distrikt wurde er 1989 aus dem gegr\u00FCndet."@de . . . . . . "299.5"^^ . "35654"^^ . . . "Le district de Birim sud est l\u2019un des 17 districts de la R\u00E9gion Orientale (Ghana)."@fr . . "Il distretto di Birim Sud (ufficialmente Birim South District, in inglese) \u00E8 un distretto della Regione Orientale del Ghana."@it . . "+0"@en . "District Executive"@en . . . . . . . . "Birim South District is one of the thirty-three districts in Eastern Region, Ghana. Originally it was formerly part of the then-larger and first Birim South District (with Akim Oda as its capital town) in 1988, which was created from the former Birim District Council, until the western part of the district was split off to create a new Birim South District on 29 February 2008; thus the remaining part has been renamed as Birim Central Municipal District, with Akim Oda as its capital town. However on 15 March 2018, the eastern part of the district was split off to become Achiase District; thus the remaining part has been retained as Birim South District. The district assembly is located in the southwest part of Eastern Region and has Akim Swedru as its capital town."@en . . "Kwaku Amoah Bosompem"@en . "Capital"@en . "Birim South \u00E4r ett distrikt i Ghana. Det ligger i regionen \u00D6stra regionen, i den s\u00F6dra delen av landet, 100 km v\u00E4ster om huvudstaden Accra. Antalet inv\u00E5nare \u00E4r 183 468. Arean \u00E4r 300 kvadratkilometer. Terr\u00E4ngen i Birim South \u00E4r huvudsakligen platt. Savannklimat r\u00E5der i trakten. \u00C5rsmedeltemperaturen i trakten \u00E4r 22 \u00B0C. Den varmaste m\u00E5naden \u00E4r februari, d\u00E5 medeltemperaturen \u00E4r 23 \u00B0C, och den kallaste \u00E4r juni, med 20 \u00B0C. Genomsnittlig \u00E5rsnederb\u00F6rd \u00E4r 1 055 millimeter. Den regnigaste m\u00E5naden \u00E4r juni, med i genomsnitt 173 mm nederb\u00F6rd, och den torraste \u00E4r februari, med 34 mm nederb\u00F6rd."@sv . "Districts of Eastern Region"@en . . . . . "Birim South District logo.jpg"@en . "6690"^^ . "Baffour Mensah-Takyi"@en . "Birim South District"@en . . "Country"@en . . "Birim Sur (distrito)"@es . . "Birim Sur es un distrito de la regi\u00F3n Oriental, Ghana. En septiembre de 2018 ten\u00EDa una poblaci\u00F3n estimada de 143 014 habitantes.\u200B Se encuentra ubicado al sureste del pa\u00EDs, a poca distancia al sur del lago Volta y de la meseta de Kwahu, y cerca del r\u00EDo Birim, uno de los afluentes principales del r\u00EDo Pra. El 56% de la poblaci\u00F3n vive en zonas rurales.\u200B"@es . . "2021"^^ . "1056558211"^^ . "Birim South"@sv . "Birim South District"@en . . . . "+233 34 292" . . "auto"@en . . . . . "Der Birim South District liegt in der Eastern Region von Ghana. Chief Exekutive des 1070 km\u00B2 gro\u00DFen Distriktes mit 178.459 (2002) Einwohnern ist . Distrikthauptstadt ist Akim Oda. Der Distrikt wurde er 1989 aus dem gegr\u00FCndet."@de . . . . . .