Boy Meets Dog! Boy Meets Dog! is an American animated musical commercial short made in 1938 for Ipana Toothpaste. It was produced by Walter Lantz as a Technicolor cartoon for theatrical release by Universal Pictures. However, it did not see theatrical release, but Castle Films purchased it, and released it to the home movie market. Boy Meets Dog! Boy Meets Dog! 21975745 1121371460 Roy Forkum Charles Conner Frank Tipper Reg'lar Fellers by Gene Byrnes Title card for Boy Meets Dog English Walter Lantz 540.0 Danny Webb Joe Twerp Victor McLeod Boy Meets Dog! is an American animated musical commercial short made in 1938 for Ipana Toothpaste. It was produced by Walter Lantz as a Technicolor cartoon for theatrical release by Universal Pictures. However, it did not see theatrical release, but Castle Films purchased it, and released it to the home movie market. 9.0 5890 540.0