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It has a rectangular plan, with six round and square towers." , "lang" : "en" } , { "type" : "literal", "value" : "El Castillo de Castilnovo es un castillo de origen musulm\u00E1n situado en el Condado de Castilnovo, provincia de Segovia (Espa\u00F1a), conocido por haber pertenecido y haber sido habitado por el condestable \u00C1lvaro de Luna, por Juan Pacheco, marqu\u00E9s de Villena, por los Reyes Cat\u00F3licos, por los Velasco (condes de Castilnovo), entre otros. Es de estilo mud\u00E9jar toledano, obra de alarifes musulmanes.[cita requerida]" , "lang" : "es" } , { "type" : "literal", "value" : "Le ch\u00E2teau de Castilnovo est situ\u00E9 dans la commune de Condado de Castilnovo, dans la province de S\u00E9govie, communaut\u00E9 autonome de Castille-et-Le\u00F3n en Espagne. 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Bien de Inter\u00E9s Cultural (Monumentu Nazionala) deklaratu zuten 1931ko ekainaren 3an. XII. mendean estilo mudejarretan eraiki zuten, gaztelua egoera onean mantentzen da. Oinplano angeluzuzena du, sei dorre biribil eta karratu dituena." , "lang" : "eu" } , { "type" : "literal", "value" : "The Castle of Castilnovo is located near the little village of Villafranca (Condado de Castilnovo) in the province of Segovia, Castile and Le\u00F3n, in Spain. It was declared Bien de Inter\u00E9s Cultural (National monument) on 3 June 1931. Built in different stages, being the earliest the 8th century, according to some, and the 12th century, according to others. Its initial construction was executed by the Arabs in mudejar style, with later additions by the later Christian owners. The castle is conserved in good condition. It has a rectangular plan, with six round and square towers. The Castle was enlarged by \u00C1lvaro de Luna and lived in by Ferdinand and Isabella during their travels through the country. It was the property of the Catholic Monarchs, and through inheritance to the Velasco family." , "lang" : "en" } , { "type" : "literal", "value" : "El Castillo de Castilnovo es un castillo de origen musulm\u00E1n situado en el Condado de Castilnovo, provincia de Segovia (Espa\u00F1a), conocido por haber pertenecido y haber sido habitado por el condestable \u00C1lvaro de Luna, por Juan Pacheco, marqu\u00E9s de Villena, por los Reyes Cat\u00F3licos, por los Velasco (condes de Castilnovo), entre otros. Es de estilo mud\u00E9jar toledano, obra de alarifes musulmanes.[cita requerida]" , "lang" : "es" } , { "type" : "literal", "value" : "Le ch\u00E2teau de Castilnovo est situ\u00E9 dans la commune de Condado de Castilnovo, dans la province de S\u00E9govie, communaut\u00E9 autonome de Castille-et-Le\u00F3n en Espagne. 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