Dalcha Dalcha, is an Indian lentil-based stew originating from Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Its origins may lie with a similar middle eastern dish Harees which is more of a gruel with cooked meats. Primary ingredients are lentils, can be or sometimes Tur dal. Vegetables or meats, both chicken or mutton may also be added to the stew, so if mutton is added it will be called a mutton dalcha. Bottle gourd is another key ingredient in a Dalcha. It is traditionally served with the rice dish called bagara khana. Dalcha Dalcha Main course 22531586 1116705476 dal mai dooba hua mutton Main course Shah Jahan with rice Dalcha, is an Indian lentil-based stew originating from Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Its origins may lie with a similar middle eastern dish Harees which is more of a gruel with cooked meats. Primary ingredients are lentils, can be or sometimes Tur dal. Vegetables or meats, both chicken or mutton may also be added to the stew, so if mutton is added it will be called a mutton dalcha. Bottle gourd is another key ingredient in a Dalcha. It is traditionally served with the rice dish called bagara khana. 2254 dal mai dooba hua mutton Mutton,chana dal,tamarind with rice