"Dastaan was a TV show that aired on Zee TV from 1995 to 1996. The show was shot in the U.A.E., particularly Sharjah, and starred Parmeet Sethi, Navni Parihar, Nishigandha Wad and Ashish Vidyarthi. It was directed by Farouk Masoudi, who would go on to direct another U.A.E. filmed Zee TV Series - Chattaan.Dastaan was about the rivalry between two businessmen \u2014 Karan Kapoor and Lankesh. The Show also features Suresh Oberoi as Rohan, Karan's best Friend and temporary chairman of Karan's company. Incomplete sequence of this series' episodes are available on YouTube, uploaded by Zee TV's official account."@en . . . . "Farouk Masoudi"@en . . . . . . "India"@en . . "Hindi"@en . . . . . . "Dastaan (1995 TV series)"@en . . . . "50921297"^^ . . . "[[#Cast"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2593"^^ . . "1121651498"^^ . . . . "Dastaan was a TV show that aired on Zee TV from 1995 to 1996. The show was shot in the U.A.E., particularly Sharjah, and starred Parmeet Sethi, Navni Parihar, Nishigandha Wad and Ashish Vidyarthi. It was directed by Farouk Masoudi, who would go on to direct another U.A.E. filmed Zee TV Series - Chattaan.Dastaan was about the rivalry between two businessmen \u2014 Karan Kapoor and Lankesh. The Show also features Suresh Oberoi as Rohan, Karan's best Friend and temporary chairman of Karan's company. Incomplete sequence of this series' episodes are available on YouTube, uploaded by Zee TV's official account."@en . . . . . .