Dead Lucky Dead Lucky is a 1960 British crime film directed by Montgomery Tully and starring Vincent Ball, Betty McDowall, John Le Mesurier, Alfred Burke and Michael Ripper. A crime reporter teams up with a fashion journalist to investigate illegal goings-on at a Mayfair gambling club. The film was produced by Robert Dunbar for Act Films Ltd. Dead Lucky Dead Lucky 25204497 1108482044 Peter Hennessy United Kingdom English William Davies Robert Dunbar Ralph Bond June 1960 3840.0 Sidney Nelson Maurice Harrison Dead Lucky is a 1960 British crime film directed by Montgomery Tully and starring Vincent Ball, Betty McDowall, John Le Mesurier, Alfred Burke and Michael Ripper. A crime reporter teams up with a fashion journalist to investigate illegal goings-on at a Mayfair gambling club. The film was produced by Robert Dunbar for Act Films Ltd. 64.0 2325 3840.0