Service and Descriptor Document Sigmund48581976-09-18Alan Alda638289"Dear Sigmund" is the 7th episode of the fifth season of the television series M*A*S*H. It first aired on CBS on September 18, 1976. The episode was conceived, written and directed by cast member Alan Alda, who played Hawkeye Pierce on the show.43197752Dear Sigmund680981117863098U-810List of M*A*S*H episodesM*A*S*H"Dear Sigmund" is the 7th episode of the fifth season of the television series M*A*S*H. It first aired on CBS on September 18, 1976. The episode was conceived, written and directed by cast member Alan Alda, who played Hawkeye Pierce on the show.7M*A*S*H5