Service and Descriptor Document the Soap is an American comedy web series that parodies the soap opera genre, created by Paul Witten, Mandy Fabian and Kate Mines. It goes behind-the-scenes of a struggling daytime soap opera called Collided Lives.English2017-03-07Kate MinesMichael McKiddyJane Lynch545916885760.0105760Jane LynchUnited StatesDropping the Soap96.0Mandy Fabian137452017-03-07Mandy FabianAmazonPaul WittenKate MinesPaul Witten101Ellie KannerPaul WittenKate MinesMandy FabianSuzanne FriedlinePaul WittenEllie Kanner1113130489Dropping the Soap is an American comedy web series that parodies the soap opera genre, created by Paul Witten, Mandy Fabian and Kate Mines. It goes behind-the-scenes of a struggling daytime soap opera called Collided Lives.