Service and Descriptor Document愛媛縣選舉區에히메현 선거구Ehime at-large districtEhime at-large district (愛媛県選挙区, Ehime-ken senkyoku) is a constituency of the House of Councillors in the Diet of Japan (national legislature). It represents Ehime Prefecture and elects two Councillors, one every three years by a first-past-the-post system for a six-year term. In the first election in 1947, Ehime like all districts used single non-transferable vote to elect both its Councillors in one election. It has 1,169,427 registered voters as of September 2015. As a predominantly rural district, it has favoured the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidate in most elections. The current Councillors for Ehime are:
* Junzo Yamamoto (LDP, third term, expires 2022)
* Takako Nagae (Independent, first term, expires 2025)992895704에히메현 선거구(일본어: 愛媛県選挙区)는 일본의 참의원 선거구이다.愛媛県選挙区(えひめけんせんきょく)は、日本の参議院議員通常選挙における選挙区である。参議院一人区の1つ。愛媛縣選舉區,是日本国会参议院中代表愛媛縣的选区,目前在参议院242个席位中有2个席位。Ehime at-large district (愛媛県選挙区, Ehime-ken senkyoku) is a constituency of the House of Councillors in the Diet of Japan (national legislature). It represents Ehime Prefecture and elects two Councillors, one every three years by a first-past-the-post system for a six-year term. In the first election in 1947, Ehime like all districts used single non-transferable vote to elect both its Councillors in one election. It has 1,169,427 registered voters as of September 2015. As a predominantly rural district, it has favoured the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidate in most elections.에히메현 선거구(일본어: 愛媛県選挙区)는 일본의 참의원 선거구이다.49628012愛媛県選挙区8124愛媛縣選舉區,是日本国会参议院中代表愛媛縣的选区,目前在参议院242个席位中有2个席位。愛媛県選挙区(えひめけんせんきょく)は、日本の参議院議員通常選挙における選挙区である。参議院一人区の1つ。