2024-12-29T18:55:58.613030Z OData Service and Descriptor Document 2024-12-29T18:55:58.613030Z 98.59999999999999 4.5 593 3839 Nationals QLD 595 5411 596 597 20045 Liberal QLD 1908 -11.5 7266 3.4 15228 -2.84 -6.2 Katter's Australian Party 18229 4.7 29.27 83.8 Delena Foster 89.5 48.2 4587 2004 625 62.9 10560 97.8 Pat Rooney United John Shearer 8871 4121 +0.9 1988 1.1 2318 610 26507 1990 Liberal QLD -0.1 36.2 668 96.90000000000001 −0.48 2356 663 77.09999999999999 -0.4 20100 12405 +4.7 +3.8 84.40000000000001 82.40000000000001 59.1 5.8 2341 8948 7027 -10.3 +0.71 4140 51.8 +13.0 690 Albert Robinson 2388 QPP 2376 +0.0 2378 +4.3 +3.9 674 Jack Abercrombie -9.699999999999999 9844 -4 Kelly Crombie 3.1 9835 86.8 0.9 4172 9838 6.3 42.4 9839 7.2 725 +5.4 38.63 36.02 +2.7 +4.4 4210 3.84 United +7.0 4.4 7955 4215 10709 51.5 40.9 Ray Grigg Liberal QLD 1908 Sharon Crowe 1617 5583 97.7 +3.5 16.5 748 +0.22 -9.6 1604 34079187 56.3 10748 42.2 16.1 2437 7986 52.2 2.3 5611 92.40000000000001 99.09999999999999 43.3 21.82 44.9 38.3 58.4 +10.2 +1.8 45.4 3329 1637 Daniel Gleeson Richard Lindsay 96.8 Steve McGuire +3.3 7167 Leanne Rissman +6.5 +1.6 Roy Pope 83.90000000000001 -9.5 2.4 +10.79 +12.2 5171 11664 Colin Edwards 26.4 +0.20 Jessica Weber +3.4 Ted Ive 1713 20516 +0.3 This is a list of electoral results for the electoral district of Townsville in Queensland state elections. Rebecca Ryan 88.3 QLP +11.5 -8.1 Steve Todeschini 6663 50.4 13.8 Greens QLD 42.3 96.7 29.1 17957 +18.5 +0.1 6693 10360 -6.8 45.17 1.2 38.5 2.2 45.7 Independent Country QLD 2.8 Nationals QLD +3.1 +27.2 8480 Democrats 1106283617 -0.6 −10.52 8540 5277 Ernest O'Brien +9.66 98.7 5265 -7.7 40.6 3512 272 Billy Tait Hermit Park Labor 6.1 19722 27.2 1.8 54.5 -5.4 2120 +6.1 Labor QLD +2.6 4948 -0.3 2168 Desmond Morris Alexander Austin Australia +1.7 Chris Mills 308 44.6 Protestant Labor +4.5 11267 Communist Brian Hurney −1.8 -6.5 15.5 +32.2 3572 2.6 86.59999999999999 88.40000000000001 Helen Jeffrey 87.8 +4.9 Archibald Hooper 50.2 9502 +5.8 5021 -5.4 5365 +0.70 378 +7.0 -15.2 5359 372 9478 −5.3 Robert Baker +4.0 Independent 39.1 1.5 Northern Country 54.4 -0.9 +6.8 +6.0 6.8 -2.9 61.5 21662 11360 -6 98.8 Liberal QLD -7 14194 -1.8 0 2.1 -2 -4 -14.2 384 Robert Murray 98.5 14189 -11 John Taaffe -12 +5.5 +13.8 3.9 +55.0 Gail Hamilton 2301 81.8 +6.5 1288 -27 8674 +12.2 7790 2290 8.380000000000001 430 46.9 -0.3 Michael Punshon 86.40000000000001 Jenny Stirling +9.59 19.6 -0.7 1330 1.4 11438 471 7.67 43.7 +21.0 90.2 6014 64.2 N/A 2.24 7858 25.5 3.2 7848 2877 35.5 Bill Mason 24.7 34.5 4612 11109 14280 7896 -9.4 Delena Oui-Foster Country QLD +16.1 25 -0.1 35.6 +8.3 25912 2908 7882 2.12 1385 2901 Douglas Price 2903 11494 +2.9 +11.5 25035 Labor QLD 58 60 1425 62 10.5 22332 1.3 Joy Rutledge +10.52 -10.6 38.8 32.3 Antony Clunies-Ross 38 +11.9 99.2 88 -21.4 3271 92 36.5 94 +2.3 +2.4 85 54.83 8326 -37.1 +7.5 1445 66 67 8.4 6459 Family First +2.5 Casie Scott +0.7 Progress Palmer United Party -3.9 114 116 39.3 28.7 72.7 12.1 +25.0 105 33.6 3.3 2997 +0.6 Hedley Gelston 4.3 +9.8 +2.4 99 44.4 88.09999999999999 +9.66 5654 Electoral results for the district of Townsville 6481 3.8 2982 156 8394 144 146 148 19597 34.9 Wendy Tubman Lionel Tomlins Liberal National -9.66 8443 128 19.9 1511 132 Liberal QLD 47.8 10813 185 9303 5686 98.2 187 -1.3 8.300000000000001 89.59999999999999 Allan Evans +5.5 Brian Dobinson +22.2 6508 3057 10798 98.09999999999999 3913 +0.4 30.9 13975 Jack Muller Liberal QLD 1908 +5.2 -15.1 29317 Fay Barker 6558 86.90000000000001 21069 44.7 10839 1079 214 Lindy Collins 200 55.3 1.6 17841 40.1 +5.3 6588 198 12255 -2.4 251 +9.4 +3.8 Owen Griffiths +10.3 9003 14.4 10857 97.40000000000001 17.7 7.3 22842 Kevin Gormley Liberal National 22846 +3.84 unopposed 6566 +0.2 -4.1 +9.5 5769 Athena Deane +3.9 -3.2 54.6 25660 86.5 +1.3 782 4012 783 +2.1 22867 +4.3 −2.62 John Burns 32.2 9431 Theresa Millard 2630 14381 2631 Percy Davids Nationals QLD 40.06 818 -12.2 20260 -1.1 1153 Phillip Morton +38.8 -1.6 9457 −6.5 Alan Birrell 86.09999999999999 44.31 Ernest Garbutt 23.7 James Cathcart 9443 855 92.2 51.4 10011 2697 48.5 17457 7581 +1.5 22095 +8.4 Damien Massingham 62 2744 56 +7.8 52 67.8 54 54.3 55 48 This is a list of electoral results for the electoral district of Townsville in Queensland state elections. 97.3 10989 50 51 +25.5 44 0.8 45 46 4379 +7.5 William Jackson Labor QLD 2722 7601 33 47.5 9160 22117 25 27 915 20 21 John Boucher 4354 23 7585 55.69 DLP QLD 6208 13 NQ Labor 4412 Hugh Fay -7.5 +21.82 2753 Alfred Loveridge 3672 61.2 1.9 +24.7 10061 2.7 Margaret Shaw +48.5 7631 One Nation 85.8 -9.1 +1.1 942 8730 49.6 15413 -3.8 4438 +9.5 92 Betty Malkin 4427 88 28164 -11.9 +6.0 1833 3699 80 11937 8709 57.7 77 -0.2 73 -4.3 18.5 10130 97.76000000000001 -5.5 4468 40.7 45.6 67 59.3 96.09999999999999 -10.3 91.09999999999999 21.9 1878 Shireen Malamoo 8750 -1.2 Reform +6.7 6306 7224 41653 2.5 1863 8799 4500 55.1 +1.8 +6.3 12019 87.5 −5.1 1908 51.6 Peter Arnold National QLD 1917 3.5 98.40000000000001 22621 526 1890 10207 514 98.3 -0.6899999999999999 -9.4 8816 517 CPNP 35.8 1.7 4520 9.59 38.4 William Higgins 79.5 12319 7235 -3.1 1935 22653 3786 Fred Feather 0.6 10.9 Spenser Hopkins -2.8 548 84.3