2025-01-04T08:19:28.954687Z OData Service and Descriptor Document 2025-01-04T08:19:28.954687Z Eric Pankey (born 1959 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American poet and artist. He is married to the poet Jennifer Atkinson (born 1955). Pankey's poetry has moved from the literal and narrative as in _Heartwood,_ towards the suggestiveness of Emerson, without the hopefulness implicit in Emerson's transcendentalism. In Pankey's poems, often written in free verse forms or in prose poetry, the hint of grand comprehensiveness is suggested, without the hope of absorption into a universalizing or redemptive whole. The result, as in his "Souvenir de Voyage" (2015 in Verse)—an implied answer to Baudelaire's "Invitation au Voyage," is a glimpse of redemption from which the speaker of the poems, and thus the reader, is blocked, a promise unfulfilled and perhaps unfulfillable. Behind this urge lies 埃里克•潘奇(Eric Pankey),美国当代诗人。 他1959年生于堪萨斯城,1981年获密苏里大学学士学位,1983年获爱荷华大学艺术硕士学位。25岁时,他的第一本诗集For The New Year被Mark Strand选为当年奖的获奖者。后又出版诗集如Heartwood(1998),Apocrypha(1991),The Pear As One Example: New and Selected Poems, 1984—2008(2008)等等。曾获美国国家艺术基金。诗人Jane Hirshfield评价他道:“埃里克•潘奇是一位有着精准洞察力和惊人个异性的诗人。他的诗有一种毫不利己的自我感;它们将我们放逐到一个新鲜的、异质的文字场域。音调很棒,文章的形式有时抒情,有时超现实,有时沉思,有时讽喻,有时直率,有时暗指。”2012年The Best American Poetry收其诗一首。 埃里克•潘奇(Eric Pankey),美国当代诗人。 他1959年生于堪萨斯城,1981年获密苏里大学学士学位,1983年获爱荷华大学艺术硕士学位。25岁时,他的第一本诗集For The New Year被Mark Strand选为当年奖的获奖者。后又出版诗集如Heartwood(1998),Apocrypha(1991),The Pear As One Example: New and Selected Poems, 1984—2008(2008)等等。曾获美国国家艺术基金。诗人Jane Hirshfield评价他道:“埃里克•潘奇是一位有着精准洞察力和惊人个异性的诗人。他的诗有一种毫不利己的自我感;它们将我们放逐到一个新鲜的、异质的文字场域。音调很棒,文章的形式有时抒情,有时超现实,有时沉思,有时讽喻,有时直率,有时暗指。”2012年The Best American Poetry收其诗一首。 10463 埃里克·潘奇 1959 Eric Pankey at 2015 National Book Festival 23260038 1105439425 head shot of bearded poet with rimless glasses and buttoned down shirt Eric Pankey (born 1959 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American poet and artist. He is married to the poet Jennifer Atkinson (born 1955). Pankey's poetry has moved from the literal and narrative as in _Heartwood,_ towards the suggestiveness of Emerson, without the hopefulness implicit in Emerson's transcendentalism. In Pankey's poems, often written in free verse forms or in prose poetry, the hint of grand comprehensiveness is suggested, without the hope of absorption into a universalizing or redemptive whole. The result, as in his "Souvenir de Voyage" (2015 in Verse)—an implied answer to Baudelaire's "Invitation au Voyage," is a glimpse of redemption from which the speaker of the poems, and thus the reader, is blocked, a promise unfulfilled and perhaps unfulfillable. Behind this urge lies a religious impulse that may remind a reader of T. S. Eliot. Yet the persistence of the seeking separates Pankey from Samuel Beckett; he remains on the closer side of despair. Eric Pankey Eric Pankey Poet, artist Eric Pankey Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.