. . . "Galize\u00F1o poni"@eu . "Galice\u00F1o"@en . "Galice\u00F1oponny \u00E4r en h\u00E4stras som h\u00E4rstammar fr\u00E5n Mexiko. Galice\u00F1on \u00E4r en av de h\u00E4straser som h\u00E4rstammar fr\u00E5n den historiska spanska h\u00E4sten och de besitter \u00E4ven den ber\u00F6mda extra g\u00E5ngarten, passg\u00E5ngen. Galice\u00F1on \u00E4r smidig och snabb och \u00E4r en v\u00E4ldigt popul\u00E4r ridh\u00E4st i Mexiko."@sv . . "Galiceno \u2013 rasa koni, kt\u00F3ra rozwin\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 w Meksyku na pocz\u0105tku XVI wieku z koni przywiezionych do Ameryki przez Hernando Cort\u00E9za. Galiceno powsta\u0142 na bazie hiszpa\u0144skiego , portugalskiego z domieszk\u0105 rasy sorraia."@pl . . . . "7967"^^ . "Galice\u00F1oponny"@sv . . . . "Galize\u00F1o ponia edo Galize\u00F1o zaldia Mexikoko bertako zaldi arraza bat da. Bere tamaina zein ezaugarriengatik ponien sailkapenean kokatzen da, nahiz eta hainbat adituek ponia baino zaldia izendatzen duten. Galize\u00F1o poniaren jatorria, Ameriketako Konkistatzaile espainarrek XVI.en mendean eramandako zaldietan dago. Egun arraza nahiko zabalduta dago eta abelburuen kopurua 7.000tik gorakoa da, bereziki zaldi hauek 1958.en urtetik aurrera Ameriketako Estatu Batuetara eraman zituztenetik."@eu . "Galiceno \u2013 rasa koni, kt\u00F3ra rozwin\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 w Meksyku na pocz\u0105tku XVI wieku z koni przywiezionych do Ameryki przez Hernando Cort\u00E9za. Galiceno powsta\u0142 na bazie hiszpa\u0144skiego , portugalskiego z domieszk\u0105 rasy sorraia."@pl . . "1521506"^^ . . . . . . . . "Galiceno-Pony"@de . . . . "Galiceno"@en . . . . "Galize\u00F1o ponia edo Galize\u00F1o zaldia Mexikoko bertako zaldi arraza bat da. Bere tamaina zein ezaugarriengatik ponien sailkapenean kokatzen da, nahiz eta hainbat adituek ponia baino zaldia izendatzen duten. Galize\u00F1o poniaren jatorria, Ameriketako Konkistatzaile espainarrek XVI.en mendean eramandako zaldietan dago. Egun arraza nahiko zabalduta dago eta abelburuen kopurua 7.000tik gorakoa da, bereziki zaldi hauek 1958.en urtetik aurrera Ameriketako Estatu Batuetara eraman zituztenetik."@eu . "Le Galiceno (espagnol : Galice\u00F1o) est une race de poney, dont les anc\u00EAtres originaires de la P\u00E9ninsule Ib\u00E9rique ont gagn\u00E9 les c\u00F4tes du Mexique \u00E0 partir du XVIe si\u00E8cle. Ces chevaux sont introduits aux \u00C9tats-Unis \u00E0 partir de 1958."@fr . . . . . "Galiceno"@fr . "The Galiceno is a horse breed developed in Mexico, bred from horses brought from Spain by Hern\u00E1n Cort\u00E9s and other conquistadors. Although small in stature, they are generally considered a horse, rather than a pony, and are always solid-colored. In Mexico, they are an all-around horse, used for riding, packing and light draft. In the United States they are often used as mounts for younger competitors, although they are also found competing in Western events. The breed descends from horses brought from Spain to Mexico during the 16th century. Many of these horses escaped or were released and formed feral bands in the interior of Mexico, which were then captured by local inhabitants. They were also often used by Spanish missionaries to the American West, where they became some of the ancestors of the American Indian Horse. In 1958, these horses were first imported to the United States, and in 1959 a breed registry was formed. Many of the horses are also registered with the American Indian Horse Registry."@en . . "Das mexikanische Galiceno-Pony ist gut als Arbeitspferd unter dem Sattel geeignet, aber auch ein beliebtes Jugendreitpferd und wird au\u00DFerdem gefahren."@de . . . "The Galiceno is a horse breed developed in Mexico, bred from horses brought from Spain by Hern\u00E1n Cort\u00E9s and other conquistadors. Although small in stature, they are generally considered a horse, rather than a pony, and are always solid-colored. In Mexico, they are an all-around horse, used for riding, packing and light draft. In the United States they are often used as mounts for younger competitors, although they are also found competing in Western events. The breed descends from horses brought from Spain to Mexico during the 16th century. Many of these horses escaped or were released and formed feral bands in the interior of Mexico, which were then captured by local inhabitants. They were also often used by Spanish missionaries to the American West, where they became some of the ancestor"@en . "Das mexikanische Galiceno-Pony ist gut als Arbeitspferd unter dem Sattel geeignet, aber auch ein beliebtes Jugendreitpferd und wird au\u00DFerdem gefahren."@de . . . . "Galice\u00F1oponny \u00E4r en h\u00E4stras som h\u00E4rstammar fr\u00E5n Mexiko. Galice\u00F1on \u00E4r en av de h\u00E4straser som h\u00E4rstammar fr\u00E5n den historiska spanska h\u00E4sten och de besitter \u00E4ven den ber\u00F6mda extra g\u00E5ngarten, passg\u00E5ngen. Galice\u00F1on \u00E4r smidig och snabb och \u00E4r en v\u00E4ldigt popul\u00E4r ridh\u00E4st i Mexiko."@sv . . . . . . "De galiceno is een in Mexico gefokt paardenras."@nl . "Galiceno"@en . . . . . "Galiceno"@nl . "Galiceno"@pl . . . . . . "De galiceno is een in Mexico gefokt paardenras."@nl . . . "1069416238"^^ . . . . "Le Galiceno (espagnol : Galice\u00F1o) est une race de poney, dont les anc\u00EAtres originaires de la P\u00E9ninsule Ib\u00E9rique ont gagn\u00E9 les c\u00F4tes du Mexique \u00E0 partir du XVIe si\u00E8cle. Ces chevaux sont introduits aux \u00C9tats-Unis \u00E0 partir de 1958."@fr . . . . . . . . . . .