. . "\uC9C0\uC624\uD14C\uC77C(\uC601\uC5B4: Geotail) \uB610\uB294 \uC790\uAE30\uAD8C \uBBF8\uBD80 \uAD00\uCE21\uC704\uC131(\uC77C\uBCF8\uC5B4: \u78C1\u6C17\u570F\u5C3E\u90E8\u89B3\u6E2C\u885B\u661F)\uC740 \uC9C0\uAD6C\uC758 \uC790\uAE30\uAD8C\uC744 \uAD00\uCE21\uD558\uB294 \uC778\uACF5\uC704\uC131\uC774\uB2E4. \uC9C0\uC624\uD14C\uC77C\uC740 \uC77C\uBCF8\uC758 \uC6B0\uC8FC\uACFC\uD559\uC5F0\uAD6C\uC18C\uAC00 \uBBF8\uAD6D \uD56D\uACF5\uC6B0\uC8FC\uAD6D\uACFC \uACF5\uB3D9\uC73C\uB85C \uAC1C\uBC1C\uD55C \uC704\uC131\uC73C\uB85C, 1992\uB144 7\uC6D4 24\uC77C \uB378\uD0C0 II \uB85C\uCF13\uC5D0 \uC2E4\uB824 \uBC1C\uC0AC\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . . . "Geotail es un sat\u00E9lite artificial japon\u00E9s construido en colaboraci\u00F3n con la NASA y lanzado el 24 de julio de 1992 desde Cabo Ca\u00F1averal mediante un cohete Delta. Su misi\u00F3n era la de hacer observaciones de la magnetosfera y la magnetocola terrestres. Junto con los sat\u00E9lites , Polar, SOHO y Cluster form\u00F3 parte de un esfuerzo cient\u00EDfico denominado (ISTP) destinado a comprender mejor la f\u00EDsica de las relaciones entre el Sol y la Tierra."@es . "2022-11-28"^^ . "GEOTAIL"@fr . . "--07-24"^^ . . . . "GEOTAIL \u00E4r en japansk satellit f\u00F6r magnetosf\u00E4rforskning, framf\u00F6r allt utforskandet av magnetosvansen. GEOTAIL s\u00E4ndes upp den 24 juli 1992 och \u00E4r fortfarande (2015) i drift. Banan n\u00E5dde ursprungligen s\u00E5 l\u00E5ngt bak i magnetosvansen som 220 jordradier, men justerades efter n\u00E5gra \u00E5r till att ligga mellan 10 och 30 jordradier."@sv . "Geotail es un sat\u00E9lite artificial japon\u00E9s construido en colaboraci\u00F3n con la NASA y lanzado el 24 de julio de 1992 desde Cabo Ca\u00F1averal mediante un cohete Delta. Su misi\u00F3n era la de hacer observaciones de la magnetosfera y la magnetocola terrestres. Junto con los sat\u00E9lites , Polar, SOHO y Cluster form\u00F3 parte de un esfuerzo cient\u00EDfico denominado (ISTP) destinado a comprender mejor la f\u00EDsica de las relaciones entre el Sol y la Tierra."@es . . . "GEOTAIL est un satellite scientifique charg\u00E9 de recueillir des donn\u00E9es sur la magn\u00E9tosph\u00E8re de la Terre, d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 par l'ISAS (agence spatiale japonaise d\u00E9di\u00E9e aux programmes scientifiques absorb\u00E9e par la JAXA en 2003) avec la collaboration de la NASA. Il est lanc\u00E9 par une fus\u00E9e Delta II le 24 juillet 1992. GEOTAIL est le premier satellite du programme international ISTP dont l'objectif est de mesurer de mani\u00E8re simultan\u00E9e \u00E0 l'aide de plusieurs satellites les interactions entre le vent solaire et le champ magn\u00E9tique terrestre. Ce programme a pour mission d'\u00E9tudier plus particuli\u00E8rement la r\u00E9gion de la queue magn\u00E9tique et la zone de plasma neutre. Le satellite est toujours op\u00E9rationnel en 2019."@fr . . . "1124311734"^^ . . . . . "273"^^ . . . . . "Earth observation"@en . . "--01-15"^^ . . . . . "\uC9C0\uC624\uD14C\uC77C(\uC601\uC5B4: Geotail) \uB610\uB294 \uC790\uAE30\uAD8C \uBBF8\uBD80 \uAD00\uCE21\uC704\uC131(\uC77C\uBCF8\uC5B4: \u78C1\u6C17\u570F\u5C3E\u90E8\u89B3\u6E2C\u885B\u661F)\uC740 \uC9C0\uAD6C\uC758 \uC790\uAE30\uAD8C\uC744 \uAD00\uCE21\uD558\uB294 \uC778\uACF5\uC704\uC131\uC774\uB2E4. \uC9C0\uC624\uD14C\uC77C\uC740 \uC77C\uBCF8\uC758 \uC6B0\uC8FC\uACFC\uD559\uC5F0\uAD6C\uC18C\uAC00 \uBBF8\uAD6D \uD56D\uACF5\uC6B0\uC8FC\uAD6D\uACFC \uACF5\uB3D9\uC73C\uB85C \uAC1C\uBC1C\uD55C \uC704\uC131\uC73C\uB85C, 1992\uB144 7\uC6D4 24\uC77C \uB378\uD0C0 II \uB85C\uCF13\uC5D0 \uC2E4\uB824 \uBC1C\uC0AC\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . "ISASNASA"@en . "GEOTAIL\uFF08\u30B8\u30AA\u30C6\u30A4\u30EB\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u5B87\u5B99\u79D1\u5B66\u7814\u7A76\u6240 (ISAS)\u3068\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u822A\u7A7A\u5B87\u5B99\u5C40 (NASA) \u3068\u306E\u56FD\u969B\u5354\u529B\u306E\u4E0B\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u306E\u30B1\u30FC\u30D7\u30AB\u30CA\u30D9\u30E9\u30EB\u7A7A\u8ECD\u57FA\u5730\u306E\u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u5C04\u5834\u304B\u3089\u30C7\u30EB\u30BFII\u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u3092\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u3066\u30011992\u5E747\u670824\u65E5\u306B\u6253\u3061\u4E0A\u3052\u305F\u78C1\u6C17\u570F\u89B3\u6E2C\u885B\u661F\u30023\u5E74\u534A\u306E\u5BFF\u547D\u3092\u898B\u8D8A\u3057\u3066\u4F5C\u6210\u3055\u308C\u305F\u885B\u661F\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u304C\u30012022\u5E7411\u670828\u65E5\u306B\u505C\u6CE2\u30FB\u904B\u7528\u304C\u7D42\u4E86\u3055\u308C\u308B\u307E\u306730\u5E74\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306B\u308F\u305F\u308A\u904B\u7528\u304C\u884C\u308F\u308C\u305F\u3002 \u5B87\u5B99\u79D1\u5B66\u7814\u7A76\u6240\u304C\u63A2\u67FB\u6A5F\u3092\u958B\u767A\u3002\u642D\u8F09\u89B3\u6E2C\u6A5F\u5668\u306E\u7D043\u5206\u306E2\u3092\u63D0\u4F9B\u3057\u3001NASA\u304C\u6253\u3061\u4E0A\u3052\u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u3068\u6B8B\u308A\u306E\u89B3\u6E2C\u6A5F\u5668\u3092\u63D0\u4F9B\u3002"@ja . . "Geotail"@es . . . "Geotail"@in . . . "Geotail adalah satelit pengamat magnetosfer bumi. Ini dikembangkan oleh ISAS Jepang dalam hubungan dengan NASA Amerika Serikat, dan diluncurkan oleh roket Delta II pada tanggal 24 Juli 1992. Instrumen Geotail mempelajari medan listrik, medan magnet, plasma, partikel energik, dan gelombang plasma. Geotail adalah misi aktif pada 2012. Geotail, Wind, Polar, SOHO, dan Cluster semua bagian dari proyek International Solar-Terrestrial Fisika (ISTP)."@in . . "22049" . "Geotail"@en . "1992-07-24"^^ . . "7938"^^ . . "GEOTAIL est un satellite scientifique charg\u00E9 de recueillir des donn\u00E9es sur la magn\u00E9tosph\u00E8re de la Terre, d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 par l'ISAS (agence spatiale japonaise d\u00E9di\u00E9e aux programmes scientifiques absorb\u00E9e par la JAXA en 2003) avec la collaboration de la NASA. Il est lanc\u00E9 par une fus\u00E9e Delta II le 24 juillet 1992. GEOTAIL est le premier satellite du programme international ISTP dont l'objectif est de mesurer de mani\u00E8re simultan\u00E9e \u00E0 l'aide de plusieurs satellites les interactions entre le vent solaire et le champ magn\u00E9tique terrestre. Ce programme a pour mission d'\u00E9tudier plus particuli\u00E8rement la r\u00E9gion de la queue magn\u00E9tique et la zone de plasma neutre. Le satellite est toujours op\u00E9rationnel en 2019."@fr . . . . "GEOTAIL"@sv . . . . . . . . "GEOTAIL\uFF08\u30B8\u30AA\u30C6\u30A4\u30EB\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u5B87\u5B99\u79D1\u5B66\u7814\u7A76\u6240 (ISAS)\u3068\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u822A\u7A7A\u5B87\u5B99\u5C40 (NASA) \u3068\u306E\u56FD\u969B\u5354\u529B\u306E\u4E0B\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u306E\u30B1\u30FC\u30D7\u30AB\u30CA\u30D9\u30E9\u30EB\u7A7A\u8ECD\u57FA\u5730\u306E\u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u5C04\u5834\u304B\u3089\u30C7\u30EB\u30BFII\u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u3092\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u3066\u30011992\u5E747\u670824\u65E5\u306B\u6253\u3061\u4E0A\u3052\u305F\u78C1\u6C17\u570F\u89B3\u6E2C\u885B\u661F\u30023\u5E74\u534A\u306E\u5BFF\u547D\u3092\u898B\u8D8A\u3057\u3066\u4F5C\u6210\u3055\u308C\u305F\u885B\u661F\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u304C\u30012022\u5E7411\u670828\u65E5\u306B\u505C\u6CE2\u30FB\u904B\u7528\u304C\u7D42\u4E86\u3055\u308C\u308B\u307E\u306730\u5E74\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306B\u308F\u305F\u308A\u904B\u7528\u304C\u884C\u308F\u308C\u305F\u3002 \u5B87\u5B99\u79D1\u5B66\u7814\u7A76\u6240\u304C\u63A2\u67FB\u6A5F\u3092\u958B\u767A\u3002\u642D\u8F09\u89B3\u6E2C\u6A5F\u5668\u306E\u7D043\u5206\u306E2\u3092\u63D0\u4F9B\u3057\u3001NASA\u304C\u6253\u3061\u4E0A\u3052\u30ED\u30B1\u30C3\u30C8\u3068\u6B8B\u308A\u306E\u89B3\u6E2C\u6A5F\u5668\u3092\u63D0\u4F9B\u3002"@ja . "Geotail"@en . . "all"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "GEOTAIL \u00E4r en japansk satellit f\u00F6r magnetosf\u00E4rforskning, framf\u00F6r allt utforskandet av magnetosvansen. GEOTAIL s\u00E4ndes upp den 24 juli 1992 och \u00E4r fortfarande (2015) i drift. Banan n\u00E5dde ursprungligen s\u00E5 l\u00E5ngt bak i magnetosvansen som 220 jordradier, men justerades efter n\u00E5gra \u00E5r till att ligga mellan 10 och 30 jordradier."@sv . . . . . . . "GEOTAIL"@ja . . . . . "\uC790\uAE30\uAD8C\uBBF8\uBD80\uAD00\uCE21\uC704\uC131 \uC9C0\uC624\uD14C\uC77C"@ko . . "Geotail adalah satelit pengamat magnetosfer bumi. Ini dikembangkan oleh ISAS Jepang dalam hubungan dengan NASA Amerika Serikat, dan diluncurkan oleh roket Delta II pada tanggal 24 Juli 1992. Instrumen Geotail mempelajari medan listrik, medan magnet, plasma, partikel energik, dan gelombang plasma. Geotail adalah misi aktif pada 2012. Geotail, Wind, Polar, SOHO, dan Cluster semua bagian dari proyek International Solar-Terrestrial Fisika (ISTP)."@in . . . . . . . "10.51"^^ . . . "0.5469845"^^ . . . "7426984"^^ . . . "Geotail satellite"@en . . . "22049"^^ . "Geotail is a satellite observing the Earth's magnetosphere. It was developed by Japan's ISAS in association with the United States' NASA, and was launched by a Delta II rocket on 24 July 1992 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The primary purpose of this mission is to study the structure and dynamics of the tail region of the magnetosphere with a comprehensive set of scientific instruments. For this purpose, the orbit has been designed to cover the magnetotail over a wide range of distances: 8 REarth to 210 REarth from the earth. This orbit also allowed it to study the boundary region of the magnetosphere as it skims the magnetopause at perigees. In the first two years the double lunar swing-by technique was used to keep apogees in the distant magnetotail. This involved 14 lunar flybys. In 1993 the computer that controls the Low Energy Particles experiment locked up. Attempts to reset it failed. This problem was solved by changing the trajectory of the craft during a lunar flyby that took place on 26 September 1993 so that it passed through the shadow of the moon. Power from the batteries was cut while this took place. When the craft left the shadow of the moon, power returned and the computer started working again. The apogee was lowered down to 50 REarth in mid November 1994 and then to 30 REarth in February 1995 in order to study substorm processes in the near-Earth tail region. The present orbit is 9 REarth \u00D7 30 REarth with inclination of -7\u00B0 to the ecliptic plane.\" Geotail instruments studied electric fields, magnetic fields, plasmas, energetic particles, and plasma waves. In 1994 the principal investigator of the Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI), the experiment complement, was Professor Hiroshi Matsumoto of Kyoto University, with co-investigators from NASA, the University of Iowa, and STX Corporation.Geotail is an active mission as of 2021. Geotail, WIND, Polar, SOHO, and Cluster were all part of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Science Initiative (ISTP) project. In June of 2022, the second and final of Geotails two data recorders failed, jeopardizing science observation. It was decided to terminate the operation, and the spacecraft was deactivated on 28 November 2022."@en . . . . . . . . "Geotail"@en . . "1992"^^ . . "--07-24"^^ . "452391.6"^^ . "1992-044A" . . "Geotail is a satellite observing the Earth's magnetosphere. It was developed by Japan's ISAS in association with the United States' NASA, and was launched by a Delta II rocket on 24 July 1992 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The apogee was lowered down to 50 REarth in mid November 1994 and then to 30 REarth in February 1995 in order to study substorm processes in the near-Earth tail region. The present orbit is 9 REarth \u00D7 30 REarth with inclination of -7\u00B0 to the ecliptic plane.\" Geotail instruments studied electric fields, magnetic fields, plasmas, energetic particles, and plasma waves."@en . "gee"@en .