. . . . . "Chair, Crown Resorts Foundation"@en . "Gretel Packer"@pt . ""@en . . . . . "Shane Murray"@en . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . "Nick Barham"@en . . "Australian"@en . . . . . . . . . "Sydney, New South Wales, Australia"@en . . "Chair, Packer Family Foundation"@en . "Gretel Packer"@en . . . . . . "Gretel Lees Packer AM (agosto de 1965) \u00E9 uma investidora e filantropa bilion\u00E1ria australiana. Packer \u00E9 filha de AC, um magnata da m\u00EDdia, e de sua esposa, AC. Ela \u00E9 neta de . Ap\u00F3s a morte de seu pai e cerca de A$ 1,2 liquida\u00E7\u00E3o de bilh\u00F5es em 2015 com seu irm\u00E3o, James, ela herdou investimentos na Crown Resorts e outras empresas."@pt . "9900"^^ . "Kerry Packer"@en . "Gretel Packer"@en . . . "1118655025"^^ . . . . . ""@en . "1999"^^ . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "61960877"^^ . . . "Gretel Lees Packer AM (agosto de 1965) \u00E9 uma investidora e filantropa bilion\u00E1ria australiana. Packer \u00E9 filha de AC, um magnata da m\u00EDdia, e de sua esposa, AC. Ela \u00E9 neta de . Ap\u00F3s a morte de seu pai e cerca de A$ 1,2 liquida\u00E7\u00E3o de bilh\u00F5es em 2015 com seu irm\u00E3o, James, ela herdou investimentos na Crown Resorts e outras empresas. Seus interesses filantr\u00F3picos incluem uma ampla gama de atividades comunit\u00E1rias e institui\u00E7\u00F5es de caridade alinhadas \u00E0s artes, educa\u00E7\u00E3o e ci\u00EAncias ambientais. Packer \u00E9 vice-presidente do conselho de curadores da Art Gallery of New South Wales, presidente do conselho consultivo da Crown Resorts Foundation, presidente da Packer Family Foundation, presidente da Sydney Theatre Company Foundation e um fundador Patrono da Taronga Zoo Conservation Science Initiative e Governador Fundador da Taronga Zoo Foundation. Ela j\u00E1 atuou como diretora do Royal Hospital for Women Foundation e como membro do conselho da Royal Botanic Gardens Foundation."@pt . "2005"^^ . . . "2007"^^ . . "Gretel Lees Packer AM (born August 1965) is an Australian billionaire investor and philanthropist. Packer is the daughter of Kerry Packer AC, a media mogul, and his wife, Roslyn Packer AC. She is the granddaughter of Sir Frank Packer. Following the death of her father and an estimated A$1.2 billion settlement in 2015 with her brother, James, she inherited investments in Crown Resorts, and other companies. Her philanthropic interests include a broad range of community activities and charities aligned to the arts, education, and environmental science. Packer is Vice-President of the Board of Trustees of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Chair of the Advisory Board of Crown Resorts Foundation, Chair of the Packer Family Foundation, Chair of The Sydney Theatre Company Foundation, and a Founding Patron of the Taronga Zoo Conservation Science Initiative and a Founding Governor of the Taronga Zoo Foundation. She has previously served as a Director of the Royal Hospital for Women Foundation and as a Council Member of the Royal Botanic Gardens Foundation."@en . . . . . . "Roslyn Packer"@en . . . . "Sir Frank Packer"@en . . . . . "Gretel Lees Packer AM (born August 1965) is an Australian billionaire investor and philanthropist. Packer is the daughter of Kerry Packer AC, a media mogul, and his wife, Roslyn Packer AC. She is the granddaughter of Sir Frank Packer. Following the death of her father and an estimated A$1.2 billion settlement in 2015 with her brother, James, she inherited investments in Crown Resorts, and other companies."@en . . . . . . "Gretel Packer"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .