Hazakim, (pronounced ha-zah-keem), is a Christian hip hop duo originally from Columbus, Ohio. The group consists of brothers Michael "Mike" Wray and Anthony "Tony" Wray. Lamp Mode Recordings released the duo's second album Son of Man on September 23, 2014. Son of Man broke into two Billboard charts. The first professional release from the duo in 2009 was Theophanies. Hazakim is known for hip hop music that is uniquely Messianic; even rapping and singing in Hebrew, at times, over beats with traditional Mizrahi rhythms.
Michael "Mike" Wray
Anthony "Tony" Wray
Lamp Mode, Wrath & Grace
Hazakim, (pronounced ha-zah-keem), is a Christian hip hop duo originally from Columbus, Ohio. The group consists of brothers Michael "Mike" Wray and Anthony "Tony" Wray. Lamp Mode Recordings released the duo's second album Son of Man on September 23, 2014. Son of Man broke into two Billboard charts. The first professional release from the duo in 2009 was Theophanies. Hazakim is known for hip hop music that is uniquely Messianic; even rapping and singing in Hebrew, at times, over beats with traditional Mizrahi rhythms.