Service and Descriptor Document XiaoHong-Mei Xiao is a Chinese-born American violist. She won first prize at the Geneva International Music Competition, and is a recipient of the Patek Philippe Grand Prize. Hong-Mei Xiao's career as an international soloist comprises critically acclaimed performances in major concert halls and with orchestras of great distinction throughout the world. An award winning recording artist, her CDs have been released by labels such as Delos Productions and Naxos Records.She was also honored as a United States Artistic Ambassador.Classical565088361119749402Hong-Mei Xiao萧红梅 (中提琴家)萧红梅是日内瓦国际音乐比赛中提琴組一等奖获得者,她还曾赢得享誉世界的百达翡丽大奖。 萧红梅是首位在国际音乐比赛中获金奖的华人中提琴家。她精湛的音乐表现和高超的技艺博得了世界观众及媒体的极高赞誉。萧红梅的国际演奏行程遍及欧洲、美洲及亚洲。她以独奏家的身份频频应邀与世界众多乐团合作。萧红梅录制的唱片也曾屡获殊荣,她的唱片已由Delos Productions和Naxos Records等唱片公司发行。 她还被委任为美国艺术大使,并代表美国在欧洲各地巡回演出。Hong-Mei XiaoHong-Mei Xiao is a Chinese-born American violist. She won first prize at the Geneva International Music Competition, and is a recipient of the Patek Philippe Grand Prize. Hong-Mei Xiao's career as an international soloist comprises critically acclaimed performances in major concert halls and with orchestras of great distinction throughout the world. An award winning recording artist, her CDs have been released by labels such as Delos Productions and Naxos Records.She was also honored as a United States Artistic Ambassador.Hong-Mei XiaoMusician and EducatorQingdao, China萧红梅是日内瓦国际音乐比赛中提琴組一等奖获得者,她还曾赢得享誉世界的百达翡丽大奖。 萧红梅是首位在国际音乐比赛中获金奖的华人中提琴家。她精湛的音乐表现和高超的技艺博得了世界观众及媒体的极高赞誉。萧红梅的国际演奏行程遍及欧洲、美洲及亚洲。她以独奏家的身份频频应邀与世界众多乐团合作。萧红梅录制的唱片也曾屡获殊荣,她的唱片已由Delos Productions和Naxos Records等唱片公司发行。 她还被委任为美国艺术大使,并代表美国在欧洲各地巡回演出。