Kylie Brown Kylie Samuels (previously Brown, also Connelly) is a fictional character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street portrayed by Kerry-Lee Dewing. She made her first screen appearance on the episode broadcast on 24 September 2012. The character was introduced alongside Emma Franklin (Amy Usherwood) as friends to existing character Lana Jacobs (Brooke Williams). The character's storylines have focused on euthanasia, having a mastectomy, being infertile due to miscarriages from ectopic pregnancy and her relationship with TK Samuels. Kylie Brown Kylie Brown 38482999 1117382728 Tillie Potts Former; regular Mitch Brown 2012-09-24 200 2020-02-28 Acting Director of Nursing Nurse Barmaid Shortland Street 2012 Kylie Samuels (previously Brown, also Connelly) is a fictional character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street portrayed by Kerry-Lee Dewing. She made her first screen appearance on the episode broadcast on 24 September 2012. The character was introduced alongside Emma Franklin (Amy Usherwood) as friends to existing character Lana Jacobs (Brooke Williams). The character's storylines have focused on euthanasia, having a mastectomy, being infertile due to miscarriages from ectopic pregnancy and her relationship with TK Samuels. Dylan Reinhardt TK Samuels Steven Zanoski Kerry-Lee Dewing 24 September 2012 17588 Former; regular