List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes Cutthroat Kitchen is a reality cooking television show hosted by Alton Brown. It premiered on August 11, 2013, on Food Network, and features four chefs competing in a three-round elimination cooking competition. The contestants face auctions in which they can purchase opportunities to sabotage one another. Each chef is given $25,000 at the start of the show; the person left standing keeps whatever money they have not spent in the auctions. The show is in its fifteenth season as of June 2017. 51011223 1122796369 Amount Won Dishes Judge #189FDD #993129 #2E5C82 #A79548 #CCA7C4 #D3EDF2 #575959 #58A5AD #B11618 #000000 #7A335D #593285 #B8CACF #0048BA #4B498F #0048BA #58A5AD #7A335D #A79548 #B8CACF #575959 #993129 #CCA7C4 #593285 #2E5C82 #189FDD #D3EDF2 #4B498F #000000 #B11618 2015-05-17 2015-08-09 2017-07-19 2015-02-08 2016-05-22 2014-06-08 2015-12-02 2016-02-21 2014-09-14 2014-11-09 2016-08-17 2013-11-03 2015-10-04 2017-02-08 2014-03-09 --09-08 8 14 12 13 --02-11 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 12 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 9 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 5 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 4 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 3 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 15 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 14 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 1 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 7 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 6 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 2 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 11 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 8 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 10 List of Cutthroat Kitchen episodes#Season 13 2016-06-01 2016-02-28 2016-08-24 2015-02-15 2014-11-16 2014-09-21 2015-08-12 2013-12-15 2014-06-22 2015-05-24 2015-10-11 2013-08-11 2014-03-16 2015-12-06 2017-06-07 Cutthroat Kitchen is a reality cooking television show hosted by Alton Brown. It premiered on August 11, 2013, on Food Network, and features four chefs competing in a three-round elimination cooking competition. The contestants face auctions in which they can purchase opportunities to sabotage one another. Each chef is given $25,000 at the start of the show; the person left standing keeps whatever money they have not spent in the auctions. The show is in its fifteenth season as of June 2017. 89484