2025-01-04T07:58:23.997904Z OData Service and Descriptor Document 2025-01-04T07:58:23.997904Z 滿江紅为一词牌名,此调为93字,前4,后阙5仄韵,前5、6句、后阕7、8句要对仗。后阕3字4字也可对仗。 其中最著名的一首為宋朝名將岳飛所作;但是亦有不少人如余嘉錫和夏承燾等懷疑作者另有其人,因明朝初未有此詞流行及賀蘭山當時在西夏境內。而宋遼金史專家鄧廣銘與王曾瑜、李安等則考據岳飛確有作《滿江紅》。王克等人認為詞中賀蘭山指河北西路磁州賀蘭山,正於對金戰場。 Man Jiang Hong (Chinese: 滿江紅; pinyin: Mǎn Jīang Hóng; lit. 'the whole river red') is the title of a set of Chinese lyrical poems (ci) sharing the same pattern. If unspecified, it most often refers to the one attributed to the Song dynasty general Yue Fei. Man Jiang Hong 1083677449 Mǎn Jīang Hóng 滿江紅 2611486 滿江紅为一词牌名,此调为93字,前4,后阙5仄韵,前5、6句、后阕7、8句要对仗。后阕3字4字也可对仗。 其中最著名的一首為宋朝名將岳飛所作;但是亦有不少人如余嘉錫和夏承燾等懷疑作者另有其人,因明朝初未有此詞流行及賀蘭山當時在西夏境內。而宋遼金史專家鄧廣銘與王曾瑜、李安等則考據岳飛確有作《滿江紅》。王克等人認為詞中賀蘭山指河北西路磁州賀蘭山,正於對金戰場。 5696 满江红 the whole river red Man Jiang Hong (Chinese: 滿江紅; pinyin: Mǎn Jīang Hóng; lit. 'the whole river red') is the title of a set of Chinese lyrical poems (ci) sharing the same pattern. If unspecified, it most often refers to the one attributed to the Song dynasty general Yue Fei.