. "8376"^^ . . . . . . . "Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy, myoclonic atonic epilepsy, Doose syndrome, epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures, myoclonic-astatic epilepsy in early childhood"@en . . . . "Doose-Syndrom"@de . "30497344"^^ . . "1942"^^ . "Zesp\u00F3\u0142 Doose \u2013 miokloniczno-astatyczna padaczka oraz (kr\u00F3tka MAE) lub padaczka z napadami mioklonicznymi-atonicznymi. Zesp\u00F3\u0142 Doose jest niezale\u017Cnym zespo\u0142em, kt\u00F3ry nale\u017Cy do grupy idiopatycznych uog\u00F3lnionych padaczek w dzieci\u0144stwie. Po raz pierwszy zosta\u0142a opisana przez niemieckich epileptolog\u00F3w Rolfa Kruse w 1968 i Hermanna Doose w 1970 roku. Na zesp\u00F3\u0142 ten cierpi dwukrotnie wi\u0119cej ch\u0142opc\u00F3w ni\u017C dziewczynek."@pl . . . . . "G40.4" . "Zesp\u00F3\u0142 Doose \u2013 miokloniczno-astatyczna padaczka oraz (kr\u00F3tka MAE) lub padaczka z napadami mioklonicznymi-atonicznymi. Zesp\u00F3\u0142 Doose jest niezale\u017Cnym zespo\u0142em, kt\u00F3ry nale\u017Cy do grupy idiopatycznych uog\u00F3lnionych padaczek w dzieci\u0144stwie. Po raz pierwszy zosta\u0142a opisana przez niemieckich epileptolog\u00F3w Rolfa Kruse w 1968 i Hermanna Doose w 1970 roku. Na zesp\u00F3\u0142 ten cierpi dwukrotnie wi\u0119cej ch\u0142opc\u00F3w ni\u017C dziewczynek."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "Myoclonic astatic epilepsy"@en . "Das Doose-Syndrom, auch als myoklonisch-astatische Epilepsie (kurz MAE) oder Epilepsie mit myoklonisch-atonischen Anf\u00E4llen bezeichnet, ist ein Erkrankungsbild in der Neurologie. Das Doose-Syndrom ist ein eigenst\u00E4ndiges Syndrom, das zur Gruppe der im Kindesalter geh\u00F6rt. Es wurde erstmals 1964 vo dem deutschen Kinderneurologen und Epileptologen Hermann Dooseund 1968 von dem deutschen Kinderneurologen und Epileptologen Rolf Kruse 1968 beschrieben."@de . . "Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (MAE), also known as myoclonic atonic epilepsy or Doose syndrome, is a generalized idiopathic epilepsy. MAE was first coined in 1970 by Dr. Hermann Doose. It is characterized by the development of myoclonic seizures and/or myoclonic astatic seizures. Some of the common monogenic causes include mutations in the genes SLC6A1 (3p25.3),CHD2 (15q26.1), AP2M1 (10q23.2). Myoclonic atonic epilepsy (MAE) is an intermittent childhood epilepsy syndrome. MAE is characterized by jerking muscle contractions followed by sudden muscle limpness. The onset of MAE (seizure disorder) is in early childhood. Almost all patients with MAE experienced their first seizures before the age of five years. Majority of children with MAE have normal development till the time of diagnosis, though few faces minor delay in development with speech delay. Boys tend to be affected more than girls.. Genetics plays a significant role in the cause of this disorder. It is a rare childhood epilepsy, to be found in 1 to 2 out of 100 (1 to 2%) of all childhood-onset epilepsies."@en . . "G40.4"@en . "Zesp\u00F3\u0142 Doose"@pl . "Myoclonic astatic epilepsy"@en . . . . . "1942" . . . "Das Doose-Syndrom, auch als myoklonisch-astatische Epilepsie (kurz MAE) oder Epilepsie mit myoklonisch-atonischen Anf\u00E4llen bezeichnet, ist ein Erkrankungsbild in der Neurologie. Das Doose-Syndrom ist ein eigenst\u00E4ndiges Syndrom, das zur Gruppe der im Kindesalter geh\u00F6rt. Es wurde erstmals 1964 vo dem deutschen Kinderneurologen und Epileptologen Hermann Dooseund 1968 von dem deutschen Kinderneurologen und Epileptologen Rolf Kruse 1968 beschrieben."@de . . . "Myoclonic astatic epilepsy"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (MAE), also known as myoclonic atonic epilepsy or Doose syndrome, is a generalized idiopathic epilepsy. MAE was first coined in 1970 by Dr. Hermann Doose. It is characterized by the development of myoclonic seizures and/or myoclonic astatic seizures. Some of the common monogenic causes include mutations in the genes SLC6A1 (3p25.3),CHD2 (15q26.1), AP2M1 (10q23.2). Myoclonic atonic epilepsy (MAE) is an intermittent childhood epilepsy syndrome. MAE is characterized by jerking muscle contractions followed by sudden muscle limpness. The onset of MAE (seizure disorder) is in early childhood. Almost all patients with MAE experienced their first seizures before the age of five years. Majority of children with MAE have normal development till the time of diagnosis, thoug"@en . . . "1125031678"^^ . . .