Tropická deprese 23W
October 2017 Vietnam tropical depression
Tropická deprese 23W byla tropická cyklóna, která se 7. října 2017 zformovala na Filipínách a 10. října se rozptýlila v Laosu. Ve Vietnamu způsobila záplavy, sesuvy půdy a zničení nebo poškození stovek budov. Bouře zabila 100 lidí a tisíce zvířat.
熱帶低氣壓WP232017(英語:Tropical Depression Twenty-three)是一個微弱的熱帶系統,也是該年第31個熱帶氣旋,但在越南的北部和中部降下暴雨引發洪災。此系統發展於菲律賓東方海面,之後向西北移動並不斷擴大,儘管有氣象部門認為此系統會增強至热带风暴,但最終未能達到該強度;截至17日,此系統共造成83人罹難,損失至少3358億越南盾。
The October 2017 Vietnam tropical depression, also known officially by its designation as Tropical Depression 23W, was a weak but deadly system that brought torrential rainfall and extreme flooding over northern and central Vietnam in October 2017. The depression formed on October 7, located to the northwest of Luzon, Philippines. The system moved in a general westward direction as it steadily intensified. Despite being forecast to strengthen into a tropical storm, 23W failed to reach this intensity, due to lack of organization as it made landfall in Hà Tĩnh Province on October 10.
Tropical Depression 23W
Tropická deprese 23W byla tropická cyklóna, která se 7. října 2017 zformovala na Filipínách a 10. října se rozptýlila v Laosu. Ve Vietnamu způsobila záplavy, sesuvy půdy a zničení nebo poškození stovek budov. Bouře zabila 100 lidí a tisíce zvířat.
熱帶低氣壓WP232017(英語:Tropical Depression Twenty-three)是一個微弱的熱帶系統,也是該年第31個熱帶氣旋,但在越南的北部和中部降下暴雨引發洪災。此系統發展於菲律賓東方海面,之後向西北移動並不斷擴大,儘管有氣象部門認為此系統會增強至热带风暴,但最終未能達到該強度;截至17日,此系統共造成83人罹難,損失至少3358億越南盾。
The October 2017 Vietnam tropical depression, also known officially by its designation as Tropical Depression 23W, was a weak but deadly system that brought torrential rainfall and extreme flooding over northern and central Vietnam in October 2017. The depression formed on October 7, located to the northwest of Luzon, Philippines. The system moved in a general westward direction as it steadily intensified. Despite being forecast to strengthen into a tropical storm, 23W failed to reach this intensity, due to lack of organization as it made landfall in Hà Tĩnh Province on October 10.