Service and Descriptor Document L. LaFonPauline LaFon Gore (Palmersville, Tennessee, 6 d'octubre de 1912 - Carthage, Tennessee, 15 de desembre de 2004), també coneguda com a Pauline Gore, era l'esposa de l'exsenador dels Estats Units Al Gore Sr. i la mare de l'exvicepresident dels Estats Units Al Gore, i se li atribueix una influència significativa en les seves carreres. Són famoses les paraules d'Al Gore dient que: mai no hi haurà una millor activista de campanya que Pauline LaFon Gore. Els seus consells van ser un factor determinant en la negativa de Gore a signar el Southern Manifesto que s'oposava a la desegregació i també a l'oposició a la guerra del Vietnam, que eren qüestions crucials en la seva candidatura a la reelecció com a senador el 1970. Procedia d'una família humil, de petits negocis, i va convertir-se en una de l199812820502004-12-15Pauline LaFon GorePauline LaFon1113645559Union University, Tennessee2004-12-15Pauline LaFon Gore (née LaFon; October 6, 1912 – December 15, 2004) was the mother of former United States Vice President Albert Arnold Gore Jr. and the wife of former United States Senator Albert A. Gore. She is credited with playing a significant role in both of their careers with Al Gore saying "there will never be a better campaigner than Pauline LaFon Gore". Her advice was an important factor in his refusal to sign the "Southern Manifesto" opposing desegregation and his opposition to the Vietnam War which were critical issues in his bid for re-election as a Senator in 1970. She came from a poor family in small business to become one of the first female lawyers to graduate from Vanderbilt University and managed a Washington law firm in the 1970s.2004Pauline LaFon GoreVanderbilt University1912-10-069101Tennessean obituary for Pauline Lafon GorePauline LaFon Gore1912Pauline LaFon GoreMaude GaltinPauline LaFonNancy1937Pauline LaFon Gore (née LaFon; October 6, 1912 – December 15, 2004) was the mother of former United States Vice President Albert Arnold Gore Jr. and the wife of former United States Senator Albert A. Gore. She is credited with playing a significant role in both of their careers with Al Gore saying "there will never be a better campaigner than Pauline LaFon Gore". Her advice was an important factor in his refusal to sign the "Southern Manifesto" opposing desegregation and his opposition to the Vietnam War which were critical issues in his bid for re-election as a Senator in 1970. She came from a poor family in small business to become one of the first female lawyers to graduate from Vanderbilt University and managed a Washington law firm in the 1970s.Pauline LaFon Gore (Palmersville, Tennessee, 6 d'octubre de 1912 - Carthage, Tennessee, 15 de desembre de 2004), també coneguda com a Pauline Gore, era l'esposa de l'exsenador dels Estats Units Al Gore Sr. i la mare de l'exvicepresident dels Estats Units Al Gore, i se li atribueix una influència significativa en les seves carreres. Són famoses les paraules d'Al Gore dient que: mai no hi haurà una millor activista de campanya que Pauline LaFon Gore. Els seus consells van ser un factor determinant en la negativa de Gore a signar el Southern Manifesto que s'oposava a la desegregació i també a l'oposició a la guerra del Vietnam, que eren qüestions crucials en la seva candidatura a la reelecció com a senador el 1970. Procedia d'una família humil, de petits negocis, i va convertir-se en una de les primeres dones advocades que es va graduar a la Universitat Vanderbilt i va gestionar un despatx d'advocats de Washington als anys setanta.Vanderbilt University Daily Register obituary for Pauline LaFon GorePalmersville, Tennessee, U.S.2004-01-202008-01-15