. . . "The Penta case (or Penta-SQM, since the two cases are related) is a criminal case brought against Grupo Penta (or Empresas Penta), a Chilean holding company, and employees of the Chilean National Tax System (SII). Key employees of the firm have been convicted of committing tax fraud by creating fake invoices in the National Tax System (SII). These funds were then directed to the political campaigns of mainly UDI (far right wing) politicians as campaign contributions. Several Penta employees, as some of their family members, have been convicted of tax evasion, bribery, and money laundering. Both directors of Penta Bank, Carlos Alberto D\u00E9lano and Carlos Eugenio Lav\u00EDn, were penalized with paying a fine, spending a few days in a special prison for economic crimes, and attending mandatory ethics classes. Update 2 December 2015: The former president of the UDI political party Jovino Novoa is sentenced to 3 years parole (pena remitida) for tax crimes. Here are the defendants from Penta: Here are the defendants from the SII: Here are some of the politicians to whom Penta funneled funds. Others charged:"@en . . . . "El caso Penta, a veces tambi\u00E9n denominado \u00ABPentagate\u00BB,\u200B es un esc\u00E1ndalo y caso penal chileno, referido a un coordinado y efectivo fraude al Fisco de Chile por parte de Empresas Penta, mediante la utilizaci\u00F3n de facturas y boletas de honorarios \u00ABideol\u00F3gicamente falsas\u00BB \u2014emitidas materialmente de acuerdo a la ley, pero cuya justificaci\u00F3n es falsa\u2014\u200B que, entre otros aspectos, habr\u00EDan permitido el financiamiento irregular de campa\u00F1as electorales de varios pol\u00EDticos, la mayor\u00EDa pertenecientes a la Uni\u00F3n Dem\u00F3crata Independiente (UDI). Actualmente el caso est\u00E1 en plena investigaci\u00F3n por delitos tributarios y por soborno, lavado de dinero y cohecho.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . "47316769"^^ . . . . "1062319479"^^ . "The Penta case (or Penta-SQM, since the two cases are related) is a criminal case brought against Grupo Penta (or Empresas Penta), a Chilean holding company, and employees of the Chilean National Tax System (SII). Key employees of the firm have been convicted of committing tax fraud by creating fake invoices in the National Tax System (SII). These funds were then directed to the political campaigns of mainly UDI (far right wing) politicians as campaign contributions. Several Penta employees, as some of their family members, have been convicted of tax evasion, bribery, and money laundering. Both directors of Penta Bank, Carlos Alberto D\u00E9lano and Carlos Eugenio Lav\u00EDn, were penalized with paying a fine, spending a few days in a special prison for economic crimes, and attending mandatory ethic"@en . . . "El caso Penta, a veces tambi\u00E9n denominado \u00ABPentagate\u00BB,\u200B es un esc\u00E1ndalo y caso penal chileno, referido a un coordinado y efectivo fraude al Fisco de Chile por parte de Empresas Penta, mediante la utilizaci\u00F3n de facturas y boletas de honorarios \u00ABideol\u00F3gicamente falsas\u00BB \u2014emitidas materialmente de acuerdo a la ley, pero cuya justificaci\u00F3n es falsa\u2014\u200B que, entre otros aspectos, habr\u00EDan permitido el financiamiento irregular de campa\u00F1as electorales de varios pol\u00EDticos, la mayor\u00EDa pertenecientes a la Uni\u00F3n Dem\u00F3crata Independiente (UDI). Actualmente el caso est\u00E1 en plena investigaci\u00F3n por delitos tributarios y por soborno, lavado de dinero y cohecho.\u200B"@es . "Penta case"@en . . "6100"^^ . . . . . "Caso Penta"@es .