. . "Fra Pietro Erardi (1644\u20131727) was a Maltese chaplain and painter. He was a cleric and became a chaplain of obedience of the Order of St. John in 1669. He joined the Wignacourt College in Rabat in 1683 and remained there until his death. Erardi came from a family of painters, being the brother of Stefano Erardi and the uncle of Alessio Erardi, and he owned a significant collection of artworks. He was himself a minor artist, and he painted a large work depicting St. Paul's Shipwreck for the parish church dedicated to that saint in Rabat. He donated some of his works to the Wignacourt College."@en . . . . . "Fra Pietro Erardi (1644\u20131727) \u2013 by\u0142 malta\u0144skim kap\u0142anem i malarzem. Pierwotnie kleryk, od 1669 kap\u0142an w zakonie \u015Bw. Jana. W 1683 podj\u0105\u0142 obowi\u0105zki w Wignacourt College w Rabacie, gdzie pozosta\u0142 przez reszt\u0119 swojego \u017Cycia. Erardi wyszed\u0142 z rodziny malarzy, b\u0119d\u0105c bratem Stefano Erardiego i wujkiem Alessio Erardiego. By\u0142 w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem znacz\u0105cej kolekcji malarstwa. Sam by\u0142 pomniejszym artyst\u0105. Dla (ang.) wykona\u0142 du\u017Ce dzie\u0142o, przedstawiaj\u0105ce katastrof\u0119 okr\u0119tu \u015Bw. Paw\u0142a. Podarowa\u0142 do Wignacourt College kilka swoich dzie\u0142."@pl . . "Fra Pietro Erardi (1644\u20131727) was a Maltese chaplain and painter. He was a cleric and became a chaplain of obedience of the Order of St. John in 1669. He joined the Wignacourt College in Rabat in 1683 and remained there until his death. Erardi came from a family of painters, being the brother of Stefano Erardi and the uncle of Alessio Erardi, and he owned a significant collection of artworks. He was himself a minor artist, and he painted a large work depicting St. Paul's Shipwreck for the parish church dedicated to that saint in Rabat. He donated some of his works to the Wignacourt College."@en . . . "1431"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Pietro Erardi"@pl . . . "Fra Pietro Erardi (1644\u20131727) \u2013 by\u0142 malta\u0144skim kap\u0142anem i malarzem. Pierwotnie kleryk, od 1669 kap\u0142an w zakonie \u015Bw. Jana. W 1683 podj\u0105\u0142 obowi\u0105zki w Wignacourt College w Rabacie, gdzie pozosta\u0142 przez reszt\u0119 swojego \u017Cycia. Erardi wyszed\u0142 z rodziny malarzy, b\u0119d\u0105c bratem Stefano Erardiego i wujkiem Alessio Erardiego. By\u0142 w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem znacz\u0105cej kolekcji malarstwa. Sam by\u0142 pomniejszym artyst\u0105. Dla (ang.) wykona\u0142 du\u017Ce dzie\u0142o, przedstawiaj\u0105ce katastrof\u0119 okr\u0119tu \u015Bw. Paw\u0142a. Podarowa\u0142 do Wignacourt College kilka swoich dzie\u0142."@pl . . . . . . . "57922521"^^ . "1123154322"^^ . . "Pietro Erardi"@en . . . . . . .