Shakuntala (1943 film) Shakuntala is a 1943 costume drama film based on the Mahabharat episode of Shakuntala, directed by V. Shantaram. It was the first film made under the newly formed Rajkamal Kalamandir banner that Shantaram had started. It was the first film to be shown commercially in US. Adapted from the Shakuntala of Kalidas the screenplay was by Diwan Sharar. Music was composed by Vasant Desai with lyrics by Diwan Sharar and Ratan Piya. The cinematatography was by V. Avadhoot and the film starred Kumar Ganesh, Jayashree, Chandra Mohan, Ameena, Shantaram, Zohra and Nana Palsikar. Shakuntala Shakuntala 45378953 1121897499 Film Poster V. Avadhoot National Finance of India, Ltd., Delhi, India tt0036343 Hindi V. Shantaram 7320.0 Ameena V. Shantaram Jayshree Shakuntala Diwan Sharar Shakuntala is a 1943 costume drama film based on the Mahabharat episode of Shakuntala, directed by V. Shantaram. It was the first film made under the newly formed Rajkamal Kalamandir banner that Shantaram had started. It was the first film to be shown commercially in US. Adapted from the Shakuntala of Kalidas the screenplay was by Diwan Sharar. Music was composed by Vasant Desai with lyrics by Diwan Sharar and Ratan Piya. The cinematatography was by V. Avadhoot and the film starred Kumar Ganesh, Jayashree, Chandra Mohan, Ameena, Shantaram, Zohra and Nana Palsikar. Shakuntala was an adaptation of Kālidāsa's Sanskrit drama Abhijñānaśākuntalam (Of Shakuntala who is recognized by a token) and appreciated "worldwide". The film initially sticks to the traditional version of Kalidas in the representation of Shakuntala, but later follows a "transformation" in the form of "empowerment of women" in Shakuntala's role, which is attributed to a critique of the play by Bankim Chatterjee. 122.0 8737 tt0036343 7320.0
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