Service and Descriptor Document Laslett14present714359471yEnglishThe Me and You Show is an American sketch comedy series, which premiered on Snapchat on October 1, 2021. It is Snapchat's first effort exploring augmented reality programming. The Me and You Show has been renewed for a second season. The first season was streamed by over 50 million viewers.Snapchat579314Luke Kelly-ClyneUS1101786749Kids at PlayZack BornsteinThe Me and You ShowJason Berger2021-10-01Kevin Healey#FFA6B9#EpisodesZack Bornstein2021-10-01The Me and You Show is an American sketch comedy series, which premiered on Snapchat on October 1, 2021. It is Snapchat's first effort exploring augmented reality programming. The Me and You Show has been renewed for a second season. The first season was streamed by over 50 million viewers.Big BreakfastUnited States1