The Moth of Moonbi The Moth of Moonbi is a 1926 Australian film directed by Charles Chauvel. It was adapted from The Wild Moth, a 1924 novel by Australian author Mabel Forrest. Only part of the film survives today. The Moth of Moonbi The Moth of Moonbi 30240950 1101295468 novel The Wild Moth by Mabel Forrest 4400.0 Al Burne Australia English Charles Chauvel 9000.0 Doris Ashwin Marsden Hassall Charles O'Mara Australian Film Productions Charles Chauvel The Moth of Moonbi is a 1926 Australian film directed by Charles Chauvel. It was adapted from The Wild Moth, a 1924 novel by Australian author Mabel Forrest. Only part of the film survives today. 9246 4400.0