Tumhari Disha Tumhari Disha is an Indian drama television series produced by Filmfarm India that premiered on 22 August 2004 on Zee TV. It is based on the life of a girl named Disha and the moments that changed her life forever. 13511498 1114313184 The promotional logo image of "Tumhari Disha". India Rupali Guha Yash Chauhan 2004-08-22 2006-08-10 400 1 "Tumhari Disha" by 480 1380.0 Bobby Bhonsle, Amit Senchoudhary Tumhari Disha is an Indian drama television series produced by Filmfarm India that premiered on 22 August 2004 on Zee TV. It is based on the life of a girl named Disha and the moments that changed her life forever. 23.0 4629 2006-08-10 400 1 2004-08-22 1380.0