Woodwardia prolifera 珠芽狗脊 珠芽狗脊(学名:Woodwardia prolifera)为乌毛蕨科狗脊属下的一个种。 Woodwardia prolifera (Chinese: 珠芽狗脊) is a species of fern in the family Blechnaceae.They can be found in China, Japan and the Himalayas. It was first described by Sir William Jackson Hooker and Walker Arnott in 1838. 65480140 1115060113 Hooker & Arnott 1838 Woodwardia prolifera 珠芽狗脊(学名:Woodwardia prolifera)为乌毛蕨科狗脊属下的一个种。 Woodwardia prolifera (Chinese: 珠芽狗脊) is a species of fern in the family Blechnaceae.They can be found in China, Japan and the Himalayas. It was first described by Sir William Jackson Hooker and Walker Arnott in 1838. 5222