@prefix ov: . @prefix dbo: . ov:defines dbo:commonName . ov:describes dbo:commonName . @prefix rdf: . dbo:commonName rdf:type rdf:Property . @prefix owl: . dbo:commonName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty . @prefix rdfs: . dbo:commonName rdfs:label "gew\u00F6hnlicher Name"@de , "common name"@en , "nom d'usage"@fr ; rdfs:range rdf:langString ; rdfs:isDefinedBy dbo: ; rdfs:comment "The common name of an entity. Frequently, foaf:name is used for all of the different names of a person; this property just defines the most commonly used name."@en , "Nom habituel d'une entit\u00E9. Souvent on utilise foaf:name pour tous les noms qu'une personne peut avoir; cette propri\u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9cise le nom qui est habituellement utilis\u00E9."@fr . @prefix wdrs: . dbo:commonName wdrs:describedby ; owl:sameAs dbo:commonName . @prefix prov: . @prefix ns7: . dbo:commonName prov:wasDerivedFrom ns7:commonName .