Events in 2017 in anime. This year is known as the Anime Centennial Year, and was celebrated as its 100th anniversary to commemorate the ending of the Heisei era.
نستعرض أهم الأحداث الخاصة بما يتعلق بالإنمي والأفلام التي تمّ عرضها. (ar)
Events in 2017 in anime. This year is known as the Anime Centennial Year, and was celebrated as its 100th anniversary to commemorate the ending of the Heisei era. (en)
Histoire des anime 2016 en animation asiatique - 2017 en animation asiatique - 2018 en animation asiatique (fr)
نستعرض أهم الأحداث الخاصة بما يتعلق بالإنمي والأفلام التي تمّ عرضها. (ar)
Events in 2017 in anime. This year is known as the Anime Centennial Year, and was celebrated as its 100th anniversary to commemorate the ending of the Heisei era. (en)
Histoire des anime 2016 en animation asiatique - 2017 en animation asiatique - 2018 en animation asiatique (fr)