A Gamble with Hearts is a 1923 British silent crime film produced by Master Films, directed by Edwin J. Collins and starring Milton Rosmer, Madge Stuart, and Olaf Hytten. The film was adapted from a novel by Anthony Carlyle.
A Gamble with Hearts is a 1923 British silent crime film produced by Master Films, directed by Edwin J. Collins and starring Milton Rosmer, Madge Stuart, and Olaf Hytten. The film was adapted from a novel by Anthony Carlyle. (en)
A Gamble with Hearts é um filme britânico lançado em 1923, baseado no romance de Anthony Carlyle. (pt)
A Gamble with Hearts is a 1923 British silent crime film produced by Master Films, directed by Edwin J. Collins and starring Milton Rosmer, Madge Stuart, and Olaf Hytten. The film was adapted from a novel by Anthony Carlyle. (en)
A Gamble with Hearts é um filme britânico lançado em 1923, baseado no romance de Anthony Carlyle. (pt)