- Els esquirols terrestres (Xerini) són una tribu d'esciúrids que es caracteritzen pel seu pelatge, que és rígid i eriçonat. A vegades se'ls pot veure la pell a través dels pèls. Es tracta d'animals de costums molt terrestres que es classifiquen dins de la subfamília dels xerins. Avui en dia es considera que probablement tenen una relació propera amb els protoxerinis, possibilitat que anteriorment s'havia descartat, encara que els esquirols terrestres presenten caràcters més basal que la resta de tribus del seu grup. Les dades genètiques donen suport a la pertinença de l'esquirol terrestre d'ungles llargues al grup dels esquirols terrestres, posada en dubte durant molt de temps, així com al monofiletisme del grup. (ca)
- Die Borstenhörnchen (Xerini) sind eine Tribus der Hörnchen, die drei Gattungen umfasst:
* Atlashörnchen (Atlantoxerus)
* Afrikanische Borstenhörnchen (Xerus)
* Zieselmäuse (Spermophilopsis) Die namengebende Besonderheit ist ihre Behaarung, die starr und borstig ist; zwischen den Haaren scheint manchmal die nackte Haut durch. Es sind vorwiegend erdbewohnende Arten, die der Unterfamilie der Erdhörnchen zugeordnet werden. Eine nahe Verwandtschaft mit den Protoxerini, die zwischenzeitlich verworfen wurde, gilt heute wieder als wahrscheinlich, obwohl die Borstenhörnchen mehr ursprüngliche Merkmale als andere Tribus aufweisen. Die lange angezweifelte Zugehörigkeit der Zieselmaus zu dieser Tribus wird durch genetische Analysen unterstützt, ebenso die Monophylie der Gruppe. (de)
- Los xerinos (Xerini) son una tribu de roedores esciuromorfos de la familia Sciuridae. Se encuentran mayormente en África y Asia. (es)
- Xerini is a tribe of ground squirrels occurring in Africa and Asia. With the tribes Marmotini (Holarctic ground squirrels) and Protoxerini (African tree squirrels), they form the subfamily Xerinae. There are five living genera—Xerus, the unstriped ground squirrel; Euxerus, the striped ground squirrel; Geosciurus, the Cape and mountain ground squirrels; Atlantoxerus, containing the living Barbary ground squirrel of North Africa and some extinct species; and Spermophilopsis, containing the long-clawed ground squirrel of Central Asia. The squirrels live in open woodlands, grasslands, or rocky country. They are diurnal and terrestrial, living in burrows. Their diet is roots, seeds, fruits, pods, grains, insects, small vertebrates and bird eggs. They live in colonies similar to North American prairie dogs, and have similar behavior. If kept as pets, they run free as house cats do, otherwise farmers consider them pests. Breeding in South African ground squirrels is asynchronous and there is no specific period of breeding although very few litters are seen above the ground in the months of July to October. Gestation period lasts for 48 days and the young ones are weaned after 52 days. There are one to three babies per litter. A female becomes sexually mature when she is 10 months old and a male matures at the age of 8 months. Although a female has the capability to breed throughout the year, less than 10% reproduce more than one litter in a year. The South African ground squirrel does not hibernate. These squirrels are very social and live in groups with about 1 to 3 females and 2 to 3 males. Sometimes, the number of males can exceed up to 9 with some sub-adult females. An interesting thing about this breed is that mature males like to form their own groups and there can be 19 to 20 individuals in one group. These groups are called bands. Their home range is shared with other groups which is actually quite a surprising thing, since in case of most of the mammals there is generally an extremely tough competition to get the female. The group-living instinct of this species gives it a survival opportunity from predators overweighing the disadvantage of breeding opportunities which come from competition. (en)
- 가시다람쥐족 또는 땅다람쥐족(Xerini)은 다람쥐과에 속하는 설치류 족 분류군이다. 아프리카와 아시아에서 발견되는 땅다람쥐류이다. 마멋족(전북구의 땅다람쥐류)과 아프리카큰다람쥐족(아프리카의 나무땅다람쥐류)와 함께 땅다람쥐아과를 형성한다. (ko)
- Afrowiórki, wiewiórki ziemne (Xerini) – plemię ssaków z podrodziny afrowiórek (Xerinae) w obrębie rodziny wiewiórkowatych (Sciuridae). (pl)
- Xerini族(学名: Xerini)は、ネズミ目(齧歯目)リス科に分類される族。 アラゲジリス属 (アフリカのジリス)、バーバリージリス属 (Atlantoxerus、北アフリカの現生種バーバリージリスの他、絶滅数種を含む)、 (Spermophilopsis、中央アジアに分布するを含む) の3属からなる。 Marmotini族(全北区のジリス)、Protoxerini族(アフリカの樹上性リス)とともに、Xerinae亜科(学名: Xerinae)を形成する。 (ja)
- Xerini (лат.) — триба африканских грызунов из семейства беличьих. (ru)
- 非洲地松鼠族(Xerini)是一類生活於非洲的松鼠科動物,其下含有非洲地松鼠屬(Xerus),這類動物完全棲息於地面或地下。 (zh)
- Los xerinos (Xerini) son una tribu de roedores esciuromorfos de la familia Sciuridae. Se encuentran mayormente en África y Asia. (es)
- 가시다람쥐족 또는 땅다람쥐족(Xerini)은 다람쥐과에 속하는 설치류 족 분류군이다. 아프리카와 아시아에서 발견되는 땅다람쥐류이다. 마멋족(전북구의 땅다람쥐류)과 아프리카큰다람쥐족(아프리카의 나무땅다람쥐류)와 함께 땅다람쥐아과를 형성한다. (ko)
- Afrowiórki, wiewiórki ziemne (Xerini) – plemię ssaków z podrodziny afrowiórek (Xerinae) w obrębie rodziny wiewiórkowatych (Sciuridae). (pl)
- Xerini族(学名: Xerini)は、ネズミ目(齧歯目)リス科に分類される族。 アラゲジリス属 (アフリカのジリス)、バーバリージリス属 (Atlantoxerus、北アフリカの現生種バーバリージリスの他、絶滅数種を含む)、 (Spermophilopsis、中央アジアに分布するを含む) の3属からなる。 Marmotini族(全北区のジリス)、Protoxerini族(アフリカの樹上性リス)とともに、Xerinae亜科(学名: Xerinae)を形成する。 (ja)
- Xerini (лат.) — триба африканских грызунов из семейства беличьих. (ru)
- 非洲地松鼠族(Xerini)是一類生活於非洲的松鼠科動物,其下含有非洲地松鼠屬(Xerus),這類動物完全棲息於地面或地下。 (zh)
- Els esquirols terrestres (Xerini) són una tribu d'esciúrids que es caracteritzen pel seu pelatge, que és rígid i eriçonat. A vegades se'ls pot veure la pell a través dels pèls. Es tracta d'animals de costums molt terrestres que es classifiquen dins de la subfamília dels xerins. (ca)
- Die Borstenhörnchen (Xerini) sind eine Tribus der Hörnchen, die drei Gattungen umfasst:
* Atlashörnchen (Atlantoxerus)
* Afrikanische Borstenhörnchen (Xerus)
* Zieselmäuse (Spermophilopsis) Die namengebende Besonderheit ist ihre Behaarung, die starr und borstig ist; zwischen den Haaren scheint manchmal die nackte Haut durch. Es sind vorwiegend erdbewohnende Arten, die der Unterfamilie der Erdhörnchen zugeordnet werden. (de)
- Xerini is a tribe of ground squirrels occurring in Africa and Asia. With the tribes Marmotini (Holarctic ground squirrels) and Protoxerini (African tree squirrels), they form the subfamily Xerinae. There are five living genera—Xerus, the unstriped ground squirrel; Euxerus, the striped ground squirrel; Geosciurus, the Cape and mountain ground squirrels; Atlantoxerus, containing the living Barbary ground squirrel of North Africa and some extinct species; and Spermophilopsis, containing the long-clawed ground squirrel of Central Asia. (en)