Alison de Vere (16 September 1927 – 2 January 2001), while married also known as Alison Weschke, was a British animator, known for her animated short films The Black Dog and Psyche and Eros.
Alison de Vere (16 September 1927 – 2 January 2001), while married also known as Alison Weschke, was a British animator, known for her animated short films The Black Dog and Psyche and Eros. (en)
Alison de Vere (Peshawar, 16 de septiembre de 1927- Saint Just, Cornualles, 2 de enero de 2001) fue una animadora británica. Sus realizaciones más famosas son los cortos y Psyche and Eros. (es)
Alison de Vere (16 September 1927 – 2 January 2001), while married also known as Alison Weschke, was a British animator, known for her animated short films The Black Dog and Psyche and Eros. (en)
Alison de Vere (Peshawar, 16 de septiembre de 1927- Saint Just, Cornualles, 2 de enero de 2001) fue una animadora británica. Sus realizaciones más famosas son los cortos y Psyche and Eros. (es)