- Banksia prionotes, commonly known as acorn banksia or orange banksia, is a species of shrub or tree of the genus Banksia in the family Proteaceae. It is native to the southwest of Western Australia and can reach up to 10 m (33 ft) in height. It can be much smaller in more exposed areas or in the north of its range. This species has serrated, dull green leaves and large, bright flower spikes, initially white before opening to a bright orange. Its common name arises from the partly opened inflorescence, which is shaped like an acorn. The tree is a popular garden plant and also of importance to the cut flower industry. Banksia prionotes was first described in 1840 by English botanist John Lindley, probably from material collected by James Drummond the previous year. There are no recognised varieties, although it has been known to hybridise with Banksia hookeriana. Widely distributed in south-west Western Australia, B. prionotes is found from Shark Bay (25° S) in the north, south as far as Kojonup (33°50′S). It grows exclusively in sandy soils, and is usually the dominant plant in scrubland or low woodland. Pollinated by birds, it provides food for a wide array of vertebrate and invertebrate animals in the autumn and winter months. It is an important source of food for honeyeaters (Meliphagidae), and is critical to their survival in the Avon Wheatbelt region, where it is the only nectar-producing plant in flower at some times of the year. (en)
- Banksia prionotes, comúnmente conocida como banksia bellota o banksia naranja, es una especie de arbusto leñoso o árbol del género Banksia en la familia Proteaceae. (es)
- Banksia prionotes est une espèce d'arbuste du genre Banksia australien et pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 10 m de hauteur. Il peut être beaucoup plus petit dans les zones mal adaptées à son développement ou dans le nord de son aire de répartition. Cette espèce a des feuilles dentelées, d'un vert terne et de grands épis de fleurs lumineuses, d'abord blanches, puis après ouverture complète d'un orange vif. L'arbre est une plante populaire dans les jardins et importante pour l'industrie des fleurs coupées. (fr)
- Banksia prionotes is een struik of boom, uit de familie Proteaceae, die voorkomt in het zuidwesten van West-Australië. Hij kan een hoogte bereiken van 10 meter. De soort heeft getande, dofgroene bladeren en grote, heldere bloemaren, eerst wit voor het openen en later feloranje. (nl)
- Banksia prionotes (Lindl., 1839) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Proteaceae, endemica dell'Australia occidentale. (it)
- Banksia prionotes är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av John Lindley. Banksia prionotes ingår i släktet Banksia och familjen Proteaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- Banksia prionotes é uma espécie de arbusto da família Proteaceae endêmica da Austrália. Foi descrita cientificamente pelo botânico John Lindley. (pt)
- Banksia prionotes, comúnmente conocida como banksia bellota o banksia naranja, es una especie de arbusto leñoso o árbol del género Banksia en la familia Proteaceae. (es)
- Banksia prionotes est une espèce d'arbuste du genre Banksia australien et pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 10 m de hauteur. Il peut être beaucoup plus petit dans les zones mal adaptées à son développement ou dans le nord de son aire de répartition. Cette espèce a des feuilles dentelées, d'un vert terne et de grands épis de fleurs lumineuses, d'abord blanches, puis après ouverture complète d'un orange vif. L'arbre est une plante populaire dans les jardins et importante pour l'industrie des fleurs coupées. (fr)
- Banksia prionotes is een struik of boom, uit de familie Proteaceae, die voorkomt in het zuidwesten van West-Australië. Hij kan een hoogte bereiken van 10 meter. De soort heeft getande, dofgroene bladeren en grote, heldere bloemaren, eerst wit voor het openen en later feloranje. (nl)
- Banksia prionotes (Lindl., 1839) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Proteaceae, endemica dell'Australia occidentale. (it)
- Banksia prionotes är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av John Lindley. Banksia prionotes ingår i släktet Banksia och familjen Proteaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- Banksia prionotes é uma espécie de arbusto da família Proteaceae endêmica da Austrália. Foi descrita cientificamente pelo botânico John Lindley. (pt)
- Banksia prionotes, commonly known as acorn banksia or orange banksia, is a species of shrub or tree of the genus Banksia in the family Proteaceae. It is native to the southwest of Western Australia and can reach up to 10 m (33 ft) in height. It can be much smaller in more exposed areas or in the north of its range. This species has serrated, dull green leaves and large, bright flower spikes, initially white before opening to a bright orange. Its common name arises from the partly opened inflorescence, which is shaped like an acorn. The tree is a popular garden plant and also of importance to the cut flower industry. (en)