- CBS Sports Spectacular is a sports anthology television program that is produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. The series began on January 3, 1960, as The CBS Sports Spectacular, and has been known under many different names, including CBS Sports Saturday, CBS Sports Sunday, Eye on Sports and The CBS Sports Show.The program continues to air on an irregular basis on weekend afternoons, especially during the late spring and summer months. Normally it airs pre-recorded "time-buy" sports events produced by outside companies, such as supercross or skiing competitions, or sponsored documentaries. (en)
- CBS Sports Spectacular adalah program televisi antologi olahraga yang diproduksi oleh , divisi olahraga jaringan televisi CBS di Amerika Serikat. Serial ini dimulai pada tanggal 3 Januari 1960, seperti The CBS Sports Spectacular, dan telah dikenal dengan berbagai nama, termasuk CBS Sports Saturday, CBS Sports Sunday, Eye on Sports and The CBS Sports Show. Program ini terus mengudara secara tidak teratur pada sore hari akhir pekan, terutama pada akhir musim semi dan musim panas. Biasanya menayangkan acara olahraga "waktu beli" pra-rekaman yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan luar, seperti kompetisi atau ski, atau dokumenter yang disponsori. (in)
- O CBS Sports Spectacular é o programa de televisão mais antigo produzido pela CBS Sports, a divisão esportiva da rede CBS nos Estados Unidos. O programa foi lançado em 3 de janeiro de 1960, e adotou diversos outros nomes ao longo do tempo, entre eles CBS Sports Saturday, CBS Sports Sunday, Eye on Sports e CBS Sports Show. Sob seu formato atual, o programa não possui apresentador regular. (pt)
- CBS Sports Spectacular is a sports anthology television program that is produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. The series began on January 3, 1960, as The CBS Sports Spectacular, and has been known under many different names, including CBS Sports Saturday, CBS Sports Sunday, Eye on Sports and The CBS Sports Show.The program continues to air on an irregular basis on weekend afternoons, especially during the late spring and summer months. Normally it airs pre-recorded "time-buy" sports events produced by outside companies, such as supercross or skiing competitions, or sponsored documentaries. (en)
- CBS Sports Spectacular adalah program televisi antologi olahraga yang diproduksi oleh , divisi olahraga jaringan televisi CBS di Amerika Serikat. Serial ini dimulai pada tanggal 3 Januari 1960, seperti The CBS Sports Spectacular, dan telah dikenal dengan berbagai nama, termasuk CBS Sports Saturday, CBS Sports Sunday, Eye on Sports and The CBS Sports Show. Program ini terus mengudara secara tidak teratur pada sore hari akhir pekan, terutama pada akhir musim semi dan musim panas. Biasanya menayangkan acara olahraga "waktu beli" pra-rekaman yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan luar, seperti kompetisi atau ski, atau dokumenter yang disponsori. (in)
- O CBS Sports Spectacular é o programa de televisão mais antigo produzido pela CBS Sports, a divisão esportiva da rede CBS nos Estados Unidos. O programa foi lançado em 3 de janeiro de 1960, e adotou diversos outros nomes ao longo do tempo, entre eles CBS Sports Saturday, CBS Sports Sunday, Eye on Sports e CBS Sports Show. Sob seu formato atual, o programa não possui apresentador regular. (pt)