- Chippewa (native name: Anishinaabemowin; also known as Southwestern Ojibwa, Ojibwe, Ojibway, or Ojibwemowin) is an Algonquian language spoken from upper Michigan westward to North Dakota in the United States. It represents the southern component of the Ojibwe language. Chippewa is part of the Algonquian language family and an indigenous language of North America. Chippewa is part of the dialect continuum of Ojibwe (including Chippewa, Ottawa, Algonquin, and Oji-Cree), which is closely related to Potawatomi. It is spoken on the southern shores of Lake Superior and in the areas toward the south and west of Lake Superior in Michigan and Southern Ontario. The speakers of this language generally call it Anishinaabemowin (the Anishinaabe language) or more specifically, Ojibwemowin (the Ojibwa language). There is a large amount of variation in the language. Some of the variations are caused by ethnic or geographic heritage, while other variations occur from person to person. There is no single standardization of the language as it exists as a dialect continuum, according to Nichols: "It exists as a chain of interconnected local varieties, conventionally called dialects." Some varieties differ greatly and can be so diverse that speakers of two different varieties cannot understand each other. In the southern range of are where the language is spoken, it is mostly spoken by the older generations of the Anishinaabe people, and many of its speakers also speak English. The language is classified as severely endangered by UNESCO (en)
- Le chippewa (aussi appelé de façon ambiguë ojibwé ou ojibway, ces termes désignant également d'autres langues proches) est une langue algonquienne centrale parlée aux États-Unis (essentiellement dans le Minnesota et par extension également dans le Michigan, le Wisconsin, et le Dakota du Nord) et par des minorités au Canada (dans le sud-ouest de l'Ontario) à l'ouest du lac Supérieur le long de la frontière fluviale entre les deux pays. La langue, qui est écrite et enseignée à l'école dans le Minnesota aux États-Unis, est malgré tout menacée. (fr)
- Chippewa (também chamada Ojíbua do sudoeste e em ingles Ojibwa , Ojibwe, Ojibway, ou Ojibwemowin) é uma língua algonquina falada no alto Michigan nadireção oeste junto ao Dakota do Norte, Estados Unidos. Trata-se da variante sul da língua ojíbua e é designada pelo ISO-3 como "ciw". Chippewa é da família das línguas algonquinas e uma língua indígena da América do Norte. Trata-se de um dialeto dentro do continuum dialetal da língua ojíbua que inclui também as línguas otawwa, algonquina, oji-cree, a qual se relaciona com a . É falada às margens sul do Lago Superior em Michigan e no sul de Ontário (conf. Densmore). Os seus falantes geralmente a chamam de Anishinaabemowin (língua dos Anishinaabe) ou de forma mais específica de Ojibwemowin (língua dos Ojibwa). Há muitas variantes da língua, algumas causadas por razões de etnia ou de localização geográfica. Sendo parte de um continuum de dialetos, a língua ainda não tem uma padronização, pois existe uma cadeia de variedades locais interconectadas, convencionalmente chamadas de dialetos.” Há inclusive variáveis bem diferentes, cujos falantes de locais diferentes podem não conseguir se entender. Os falantes das variantes meridionais são principalmente pessoas mais velhas, enquanto que há muitos dos que falam Chippewa também falam o inglês. (pt)
- Чиппева (Chippewa, Ojibway, Ojibwe, Southwestern Ojibwa) — алгонкинский язык, на котором говорит народ , проживающий на реке Верхняя Мичиган к западу от штата Северная Дакота в США. Имеет верхний мичиганско-висконсинский, красно-озёрный, погранично-миннесотский и центрально-миннесотский диалекты. Чиппева является частью алгонкинской языковой семьи и является коренным языком Северной Америки. Также чиппева входит в диалектный континуум языка оджибве (включая чиппева, оттава, алгонкинский и оджи-кри), который тесно связан с языком потаватоми. Занесён в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как один из самых сложных языков мира. В рекордном списке он упоминается в одном ряду с языками хайда, табасаранским, эскимосским и китайским. (ru)
- Le chippewa (aussi appelé de façon ambiguë ojibwé ou ojibway, ces termes désignant également d'autres langues proches) est une langue algonquienne centrale parlée aux États-Unis (essentiellement dans le Minnesota et par extension également dans le Michigan, le Wisconsin, et le Dakota du Nord) et par des minorités au Canada (dans le sud-ouest de l'Ontario) à l'ouest du lac Supérieur le long de la frontière fluviale entre les deux pays. La langue, qui est écrite et enseignée à l'école dans le Minnesota aux États-Unis, est malgré tout menacée. (fr)
- Chippewa (native name: Anishinaabemowin; also known as Southwestern Ojibwa, Ojibwe, Ojibway, or Ojibwemowin) is an Algonquian language spoken from upper Michigan westward to North Dakota in the United States. It represents the southern component of the Ojibwe language. (en)
- Chippewa (também chamada Ojíbua do sudoeste e em ingles Ojibwa , Ojibwe, Ojibway, ou Ojibwemowin) é uma língua algonquina falada no alto Michigan nadireção oeste junto ao Dakota do Norte, Estados Unidos. Trata-se da variante sul da língua ojíbua e é designada pelo ISO-3 como "ciw". (pt)
- Чиппева (Chippewa, Ojibway, Ojibwe, Southwestern Ojibwa) — алгонкинский язык, на котором говорит народ , проживающий на реке Верхняя Мичиган к западу от штата Северная Дакота в США. Имеет верхний мичиганско-висконсинский, красно-озёрный, погранично-миннесотский и центрально-миннесотский диалекты. (ru)