- Constantí Diògenes, en grec medieval Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης, mort l'any 1073, va ser un noble romà d'Orient fill de l'emperador Romà IV Diògenes. Constantí era l'únic fill de Romà IV Diògenes i de la seva primera esposa, de la que no es coneix el nom, una filla d'. Estava exclòs de la línia successòria pel nou casament del seu pare amb l'emperadriu vídua Eudòcia Macrembolites l'any 1068. El nom de Constantí el portava pel seu avi, el general Constantí Diògenes, mort el 1032. Es va casar amb Teodora Comnè, germana d'Aleix I Comnè (emperador del 1081 al 1118), durant el regnat del seu pare. La seva filla, Anna, més endavant es va casar amb Uroš I de Raška, gran príncep d'aquell país. Constantí va morir en una batalla el 1073. (ca)
- Ο Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης (απεβ. 1073) από τη κατείχε το αξίωμα του κουροπαλάτη στη Ρωμανία. (el)
- Constantine Diogenes (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης; died 1073) was one of the sons of Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (reigned 1068–1071). He was a son of Romanos with his unnamed first wife, a daughter of Alusian, and hence excluded from the line of succession when his father married the empress-dowager Eudokia Makrembolitissa in 1068. He was named after his grandfather, general Constantine Diogenes (died 1032). The then kouropalatissa Anna Dalassene (later, regent of the empire), wife of the brother of the late Emperor Isaac I Komnenos, despised the Doukas imperial family. According to perceptions of Anna Dalassene, the Doukas men had usurped the imperial dignity by tricking emperor Isaac into resigning and her husband, the kouropalates John Komnenos, into refusing the throne. Anna Dalassene expected the Doukas men to lead the country to military problems. Consequently, Anna Dalassene plotted with Romanos Diogenes and others to push the underage Michael VII Doukas aside. Romanos Diogenes was raised to the imperial throne, having to marry the Doukas dowager empress Eudokia Makrembolitissa. As a signal of strength of the allied supporters and Romanos IV, the marriage of Constantine Diogenes was arranged. Emperor Romanos' son received the daughter of kouropalates John Komnenos and kouropalatissa Anna Dalassene as his bride. The marriage was one of signals of the anti-Doukas camp. He was married to Theodora Komnene, sister of the later emperor Alexios I Komnenos (reigned 1081–1118), some time during his father's reign. Their daughter Anna Diogenissa became the consort of Serbia after her marriage to Uroš I of Serbia. Constantine fell in battle in 1073. An adventurer pretended to be him in the 1090s, and invaded the Byzantine Empire with Cuman help in 1095. (en)
- Constantin Diogène (en grec Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης), mort en 1073, est le fils aîné de l'empereur byzantin Romain IV Diogène (r. 1068-1071). (fr)
- Константин Диоген (греч. Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης; погиб в 1073) — один из сыновей византийского императора Романа IV Диогена. (ru)
- Constantino Diógenes (em grego: Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης; m. 1073) foi um bizantino do século XI, filho do imperador Romano IV Diógenes (r. 1068–1071) com sua primeira esposa de nome desconhecido, filha de Alusiano da Bulgária (r. 1041). Nomeado em honra a seu avô, o general Constantino Diógenes (d. 1032), foi excluído da linha de sucessão quando seu pai casou-se com a imperatriz-viúva Eudóxia Macrembolitissa (r. 1059–1071) em 1068. Casou-se com Teodora Comnena, irmã do mais tarde imperador Aleixo I Comneno (r. 1081–1118), em algum momento durante o reinado de seu pai. A filha deles, , tornar-se-ia grã-princesa sérvia depois que se casou com Uros I (r. 1112–1145). Constantino morreu em combate em 1073. Um aventureiro que fingiu ser ele nos anos 1090, invadiu o Império Bizantino com ajuda cumana em 1095. (pt)
- Костянтин Діоген (грец. Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης, д/н — 1073) — політичний та військовий діяч Візантійської імперії. (uk)
- Ο Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης (απεβ. 1073) από τη κατείχε το αξίωμα του κουροπαλάτη στη Ρωμανία. (el)
- Constantin Diogène (en grec Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης), mort en 1073, est le fils aîné de l'empereur byzantin Romain IV Diogène (r. 1068-1071). (fr)
- Константин Диоген (греч. Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης; погиб в 1073) — один из сыновей византийского императора Романа IV Диогена. (ru)
- Костянтин Діоген (грец. Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης, д/н — 1073) — політичний та військовий діяч Візантійської імперії. (uk)
- Constantí Diògenes, en grec medieval Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης, mort l'any 1073, va ser un noble romà d'Orient fill de l'emperador Romà IV Diògenes. Constantí era l'únic fill de Romà IV Diògenes i de la seva primera esposa, de la que no es coneix el nom, una filla d'. Estava exclòs de la línia successòria pel nou casament del seu pare amb l'emperadriu vídua Eudòcia Macrembolites l'any 1068. El nom de Constantí el portava pel seu avi, el general Constantí Diògenes, mort el 1032. (ca)
- Constantine Diogenes (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης; died 1073) was one of the sons of Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (reigned 1068–1071). He was a son of Romanos with his unnamed first wife, a daughter of Alusian, and hence excluded from the line of succession when his father married the empress-dowager Eudokia Makrembolitissa in 1068. He was named after his grandfather, general Constantine Diogenes (died 1032). Constantine fell in battle in 1073. An adventurer pretended to be him in the 1090s, and invaded the Byzantine Empire with Cuman help in 1095. (en)
- Constantino Diógenes (em grego: Κωνσταντίνος Διογένης; m. 1073) foi um bizantino do século XI, filho do imperador Romano IV Diógenes (r. 1068–1071) com sua primeira esposa de nome desconhecido, filha de Alusiano da Bulgária (r. 1041). Nomeado em honra a seu avô, o general Constantino Diógenes (d. 1032), foi excluído da linha de sucessão quando seu pai casou-se com a imperatriz-viúva Eudóxia Macrembolitissa (r. 1059–1071) em 1068. (pt)