Deadly Sins is a 1995 American-Canadian slasher film directed by Michael Robison, and stars David Keith and Alyssa Milano. It had a limited VHS release. In Germany, the film was released on VHS under the title Sins.
Deadly Sins is a 1995 American-Canadian slasher film directed by Michael Robison, and stars David Keith and Alyssa Milano. It had a limited VHS release. In Germany, the film was released on VHS under the title Sins. (en)
Les Disparues du pensionnat (Deadly Sins) est un film américano-canadien de 1995 réalisé par Michael Robison. (fr)
Deadly Sins is a 1995 American-Canadian slasher film directed by Michael Robison, and stars David Keith and Alyssa Milano. It had a limited VHS release. In Germany, the film was released on VHS under the title Sins. (en)
Les Disparues du pensionnat (Deadly Sins) est un film américano-canadien de 1995 réalisé par Michael Robison. (fr)